BRUH.. If it ain't Broke then Don't Fix it

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Jun 12, 2015
Don't know if this was meant for me, but I got a good chuckle. We fixed her feet (and they were a hot mess), we are improving her whip, but lordy, what I wouldn't give for a magic potion to fix her dang dropping shoulder! LOL
This is my dd's latest issue. Swings under the ball constantly! We're going to do the high tee drill and see if that helps.
Sep 4, 2015
Having this same issue with one of my DD coaches trying to "fix" her catching. She's been working very hard incorporating everything her catching instructor teaches her so she is very frustrated with her coach trying to change things. She left practice in tears last week because they were getting annoyed that she wouldn't change how she steps and throws to 2nd. What do you say - they're in lessons, back off?? I've been trying to craft a non offensive email since last week...not going so well.
Aug 26, 2015
Don't have a private coach and my dd is still in rec, so I don't know the answer to this. How hard is it for a team coach and private instructor to WORK TOGETHER on the development of the player? I had 2 girls on our team that had a private instructor and I had a simple talk at the beginning of the season and throughout this fall with both of them. There were no issues at all. 1 of the private instructors actually thanked me for being the first coach to ask her to be a part of the process. My question to her was "Why not just insert yourself when they get on a team?" If there's something I'm missing as the reason other than ego, please enlighten me. From the outside looking in, it seems like more responsibility should be on the private instructor, though. I mean, you're being paid to help this player develop. She's on a team that wants things done a certain way. If no egos are involved (on either side), I'm not seeing how hard it is for the private instructor to shoot a quick text or email to the HC and have a brief, but constructive conversation about the way they can work TOGETHER to develop the player. On the other hand, I'm not seeing how hard it is for the HC to just explain why they want things a certain way in terms of a mechanic. What do I know though?
Jun 18, 2012
If no egos are involved (on either side), I'm not seeing how hard it is for the private instructor to shoot a quick text or email to the HC and have a brief, but constructive conversation about the way they can work TOGETHER to develop the player.

Yes, this is ideal, but not the norm.....Not from what I've seen. Typically, the HC has no interest whatsoever in what a pitcher or hitter is being taught or has been taught by the player's pitching or hitting coach. The biggest problem in this regard is EGOs.... Almost always in the way. Of course, neither side will see themselves as having an ego problem. It's always the other party who has the ego problem.

How hard is it for a team coach and private instructor to WORK TOGETHER on the development of the player??? Often impossible, again due to egos.
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Aug 26, 2015
I was hoping for a quick "yep. you're just clueless. the real reason is ...." instead, my suspicions were correct. Ugh! Sometimes I wonder if softball would be better if adults weren't allowed
May 17, 2012
My DD coach wants her to raise her front foot (as part of the swing). I have paid good money to great coaches to refine her swing to where it is today. She does not lift her front foot. We have this discussion several times throughout the year and my position will not change.

For the record, she is batting just fine (and he has the stats to prove it)!

So how does the front leg internally rotate if the front foot doesn't come off the ground? I am definetly not trying to turn this into a hitting thread but when I see hitter that doesn't raise her foot off the ground most of the time it's a hitter that doesn't use thier lower half.

Perhaps there is something I am missing.
Oct 13, 2014
Metro ATL
So how does the front leg internally rotate if the front foot doesn't come off the ground? I am definetly not trying to turn this into a hitting thread but when I see hitter that doesn't raise her foot off the ground most of the time it's a hitter that doesn't use thier lower half.

Perhaps there is something I am missing.

Fair question, and I wish I could give you a great answer. What I can say is when her coach wants her to lift her foot, he envisions Alex Hugo. If I had decent video of her swing, I'd post it. No doubt I'd receive lots of advice (and most of it good!). For now, I am placing my trust in her hitting coach. She is pretty well know in the ATL area, and a lot of girls have seen great results with her.

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