break time is over

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Sep 18, 2011
DD hadn't touched a bat or glove since tryouts on August 6, but the team had their first Fall practice today. 5 new girls have joined the team with only one departure. We ended up playing several games with only 8 players this summer due to injuries and heat exhaustion, so the expanded roster will be a huge bonus. Very solid team just got MUCH better. Two of the new girls are practically mortal locks to play D1. Anyway, feels good to be "back in business." For those of you who continued to play even after nationals, I don't know how you do it. That one month off was a godsend.
Dec 7, 2011
DD is headed to the first TB practice today (Back to 18U after 3 yrs and now this time actually aged right for 18U....). It's only been a break since 17Aug. I wish it would have been a couple weeks longer but they have to get ready for the fall tourneys they committed to. DD will have a break from pitching yet and won't pitch these fall tourneys (leaving it for the ones who haven't had lumbar stress fractures yet). She loves playing first base too so this fall will be a low-stress SB time. We will pick up pitching again once HS volleyball season has ended. (this is the health balance we have finally figured out - too bad like in anything as soon as you're too old ya finally figure out the right balance....)
Jan 27, 2010
#12 has moved up to 18U this fall and I'm proud, excited and somewhat apprehensive. She is loving it and seems to be taking it all in stride. Next weekend they start 8 weeks of Fall tourneys and I have to miss the first one. I don't think I have missed a tourney going all the way back to 10U.

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