brag post. won first tournament.

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Jun 19, 2012
Well I wanted to brag a little here not just on my Dd that went 10 for 13 this past weekend but on my whole team.
I started coaching rec ball in February and was having a blast as the season was coming to and end my Dd and a couple of other girs on my team told me they didnt wanna stop playing and wanted to know if I would start my own team.

After much discussion with my wife we did it. So I went and picked up some rec players off other teams and we started practicing. Our first tournament was on mothers day weekend. After that tournament I had several parents ask me if we made a big mistake I told them no to have faith. Well the summer continues and we keep playing ball I keep seeing improvement in these girls.

Towards the end of summer I am approched by my daughters pitching coach and asked if I would be willing to take a young lady on my team. A pitcher. I said sure let her come try out. So she came was very timid and reserved my team had played against this girl before so I knew who she was. She made our team and contributed the rest of the year.

so long story short this past weekend my team won there first tournament. I am so happy for them all the hard work has paid off.

Back to the young lady that joined my team late. After the tournament which was the last her parents came to me and thanked me for allowing her to play with us. Then told me that I was the best thing to happen to her this summer which I am not going to lie made me smile. Said her other coach that we beat that weekend would have her in tears after each tournament talking down to her.
Her parents told me that now her conifdence was sky high and she was playing the best ball she had ever played. This girls pitched 4 times this weekend and had 40 strike outs. I was so proud of her.

I guess I tell you the story of this young lady for one reason. As a coach you not only are a coach but a role model and counselor. These young ladies look up to you. Take the time to get to know each one you never know how great your impact will be.
Jan 17, 2013
Congrats to you and your team. It is always nice to have confirmation (both from the win and from the words of the parents) that both the hard work has been worth it as well as starting the team. Keep it up.

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