Before game, between game, during game and after game nutrition.

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Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I'm looking for info on what is good for before game, between game, during game and after game nutrition. I had a couple girls run out of gas today in the heat. I first thought they were dehydrated but once I talked to them they had not eaten anything the night before due to headaches and exhaustion (104 yesterday as the official temp) and one did not eat breakfast today. I know they were just out of juice.

I also have an issue with them eating too much or too heavy between games occasionally but sometimes all that is available to them is heavy carb and/or fat loaded foods. I know they have to eat but a sausage wrap or hotdog is not what I'd call energy food.

Does anyone have a game day diet suggestion? And does anyone "require" a specific diet for game day or tourney weekends?

Thanks in advance.
May 10, 2010
My dd starts drinking a lot of water about 2 days before a tournament. No soda and no greasy foods the day before. During a tournament its fruit and energy foods and sometimes something quick like a snickers. When she is pitching she drinks a bottle every time she comes in the dugout. After the game gatorade and if time to eat things like subway or something light. At the end of the day or tournament things to replace electrolytes. Pickle juice is good. Been doing it this way for years and never a problem. Most kids do not drink enough water when playing sports.
May 7, 2008
What are the rules at the parks? Can you bring coolers in? If not, can you have them in the parking lot? I personally won't eat at a concession stand, so I would have to have fruit and nuts and maybe a peanut butter sandwich, during the tournament.

And yes, to some sort of breakfast, even if it is just cheerios or a bagel.
Apr 2, 2013
Our coach has a no-junk policy and is pretty specific about what things they are not allowed to bring/eat/drink.

DD hydrates well the day before (when we rememeber) and the night before I make homemade energy drinks (like these Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink | Everyday Roots). Coach requires them to drink 2-3 bottles of water before they have any kind of energy drink/gatorade etc. Usually the night before we have a high-carb meal- spaghetti or lasagna or risotto etc.

We take a cooler and pack...
- Lots of water
- Homemade energy drinks (or gatorade when Im lazy)
- Fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, grapes)
- Bananas & mandarins
- Cut up celery, cucumber & carrots and have a dip to go with them
- Chicken, salad, avocado & cheese bread rolls (habit that DD must have)
- Pasta salad or potato salad
- Greek blueberry yoghurt with muesli
- Boiled eggs
- Small amount of nuts/yoghurt covered sultanas/trail mix
- Peanut butter & honey (or nutella if we can sneak it :p) on rice crackers
- Occasionally we will make tuna & avocado sushi

Sounds like a lot but DD just picks at bits between games and they usually get a lunch break where she will have something more substantial. She always has tonnes of energy whether its game 1 or game 6- I'm sure its because she eats 'clean' (relatively). Also continues to drink lots of water after the tournament and we usually try to have a high protein meal (chicken, steak etc) afterwards to aid in muscle recovery.
Jun 19, 2013
Thankfully my daughter craves healthy foods when she is playing so I have it a bit easier than probably some others. Some of things we eat are -

Breakfast - Oatmeal, or a banana and other healthy cereal like grapenuts, granola or Great Grains. Something with some protein and fibre for energy and it keeps them full. Sometimes we get a yogurt parfait at Starbucks on the way there.

Snacks/Lunch - Chobani yogurt, pistachios, sliced cheese, beef stick, wheat thins, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes, cherries (easy to eat and lots of water and healthy sugars), pb & j, laughing cow cheese on healthy crackers, subway, trail mix

She drinks tons of water and we save the gatorade until last game of the day since it does have a lot of sugar in it, in case there is a sugar crash we want it after last game. And our tradition is to grab a smoothie for the car ride on the way home if she wants

Then try to make sure she gets some healthy proteins and carbs at end of day. Chicken, eggs, tuna, chili, burritos, pasta, breads - pretty much whatever she is craving that isn't greasy crap.
Dec 20, 2012
Get hydrated 2 days before. Actually they shouldn't wait til games, the kids should be taking in fluids everyday. 3 waters for every sports drink.

Night before tournament: Spaghetti, macaroni, etc... pasta for the carbs they will be using thru the weekend. Chicken, lean beef, or 93/7 hamburger, ground turkey..... protein to feed the muscles

Breakfast- scrambled eggs(2 whites, 1 whole egg), wheat toast, turkey sausage, or make breakfast burrito. Hi protein, moderate complex carbs, and some fat(sausage). Flintstone vitamin!

Pregame, 45 minutes before warm up- Mix 1 scoop of whey protein with 16 oz. of sports drink. Simple sugars will help your body utilize the amino acids and protein quicker.

During game- water, water, sports drink, add a scoop of BCAA(branch chain amino acids) to either drink. BCAA's help muscle recover faster and will help prevent soreness.

Post game/ between games, depending how long you have. Scoop protein powder with sports drink right after game. Get a good meal in about 30 min. Subway is great. Sliced turkey w/ spinach, and whatever else you like on wheat bread. Precooked boneless skinless chicken breast, whole wheat wrap, cheddar cheese, and spinach. Protein bars are great snacks. If they are going to eat a candy bar make it a Snickers.

End of day meal- complex carbs and protein.

The kids can keep a very clean diet at the ball fields if you take the time to prepack food. What they eat is a supply and demand for the body. Some of these kids are playing 3,4,5, sometimes 6 games in a day. If your a pitcher or catcher you could be putting out 2-3 times the amount of work. I like protein powder w/ sports drinks and powder BCAA w/water because they get into your system faster than whole foods. They are solely for nutrients not for filling their bellies, it will fill them up for a little while, but not like a meal.

And these are just suggestions, you will modify their meals and snacks to their taste. And portions should be scaled for their size and age. But if nothing else get a good multi vitamin(like Flintstone) every morning and a protein drink before and after the game. Their bodies need the nutrients before the game(or even practice) to feed their muscles during the game and again after to replenish the muscles after the game. Their bodies will need the nutrients then more than any other time of the day.
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Dec 20, 2012
Our coach has a no-junk policy and is pretty specific about what things they are not allowed to bring/eat/drink.

DD hydrates well the day before (when we rememeber) and the night before I make homemade energy drinks (like these Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink | Everyday Roots). Coach requires them to drink 2-3 bottles of water before they have any kind of energy drink/gatorade etc. Usually the night before we have a high-carb meal- spaghetti or lasagna or risotto etc.

We take a cooler and pack...
- Lots of water
- Homemade energy drinks (or gatorade when Im lazy)
- Fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, grapes)
- Bananas & mandarins
- Cut up celery, cucumber & carrots and have a dip to go with them
- Chicken, salad, avocado & cheese bread rolls (habit that DD must have)
- Pasta salad or potato salad
- Greek blueberry yoghurt with muesli
- Boiled eggs
- Small amount of nuts/yoghurt covered sultanas/trail mix
- Peanut butter & honey (or nutella if we can sneak it :p) on rice crackers
- Occasionally we will make tuna & avocado sushi

Sounds like a lot but DD just picks at bits between games and they usually get a lunch break where she will have something more substantial. She always has tonnes of energy whether its game 1 or game 6- I'm sure its because she eats 'clean' (relatively). Also continues to drink lots of water after the tournament and we usually try to have a high protein meal (chicken, steak etc) afterwards to aid in muscle recovery.

PB, banana, and honey on wheat is one of my favorites! But my dd hates PB. ugh! Makes no sense, a kid that doesn't like PB.
Jul 6, 2013
Fwiw. Sodas do, in fact, hydrate the body. The whole wives tail about cold drinks and the caffeine is just that. A wives tail. Cold drinks are bad for other reasons, don't get me wrong....but not because of any dehydrating properties.

Sounds like some of you are doing show prep, not playing ball. Lol. More power to you, and God bless you for that. I'm not knocking you. If you have that kinda free time, go for it. We usually make sure they are drinking plenty during the week leading up to a tournament. On game day, usually McDonald's on the way, complete with a large dr pepper for the girls (diet coke for me). Between games, they'll hit a snickers, maybe some cheese fries...another dr pepper. Powerade and water during the games. When it gets nice and hot, they start hitting the pickle pops. Never had any problems.
Dec 20, 2012
I'm looking for info on what is good for before game, between game, during game and after game nutrition. I had a couple girls run out of gas today in the heat. I first thought they were dehydrated but once I talked to them they had not eaten anything the night before due to headaches and exhaustion (104 yesterday as the official temp) and one did not eat breakfast today. I know they were just out of juice.

I also have an issue with them eating too much or too heavy between games occasionally but sometimes all that is available to them is heavy carb and/or fat loaded foods. I know they have to eat but a sausage wrap or hotdog is not what I'd call energy food.

Does anyone have a game day diet suggestion? And does anyone "require" a specific diet for game day or tourney weekends?

Thanks in advance.

Here is a quick, easy recipe for protein muffins that taste outstanding! It is an easy breakfast or snack and not too heavy on them. I play with the recipe and make applesauce muffins, banana nut, sweet potato,... You can make just about anyone happy.

•1 cup oat flour ( I just grinded quaker old fashioned oats in my blender..worked beautifully)
•2=3 scoops vanilla whey protein powder
•2 tsp cinnamon
•1/2 tsp baking soda
•1/4 tsp salt
•1/8 tsp allspice
•1/8 tsp nutmeg
•4 egg whites or use liquid egg whites
•3/4 cup Truvia, Splenda, or Ideal
•8 oz jarred baby food carrots
•4 oz water or milk

1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.Mix flour, whey protein, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, baking soda and salt together in a bowl.
3.Mix egg whites, Splenda, baby food carrots and water in a bowl.
4.Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together.
5.Spray muffin pan with non-stick butter spray.
6.Pour ingredients into dish.
7.Bake 20-30 minutes. (20 minutes worked best for me)
Dec 20, 2012
Fwiw. Sodas do, in fact, hydrate the body. The whole wives tail about cold drinks and the caffeine is just that. A wives tail. Cold drinks are bad for other reasons, don't get me wrong....but not because of any dehydrating properties.

Sounds like some of you are doing show prep, not playing ball. Lol. More power to you, and God bless you for that. I'm not knocking you. If you have that kinda free time, go for it. We usually make sure they are drinking plenty during the week leading up to a tournament. On game day, usually McDonald's on the way, complete with a large dr pepper for the girls (diet coke for me). Between games, they'll hit a snickers, maybe some cheese fries...another dr pepper. Powerade and water during the games. When it gets nice and hot, they start hitting the pickle pops. Never had any problems.

Your kid, your rules. But run your car on 85 octane w/ 15% ethanol then run it on 94 octane 100% and see the difference. I'm telling you, you will see a difference in her performance. I get up early, 5am or so or stay up to 2am to get everything prepped. It definitely is not easy. And don't get me wrong we will slip to a McD's every once in a while. They are kids and don't want to eat that "stuff" all the time. She is now playing with a team that is basically a college team in every aspect of how they are ran. Parents have ZERO input during games and weekends. Their diets will be watched and they will have no choice. And to be honest I will miss getting up and getting things together for the weekend.
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