Bad parents

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Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
Well at least the bar was walking distance to the field. Not drunk Momma driving her to the field.

Always got to look for the bright side.
Apr 8, 2013
Sorry. My comment was out of line. The OP is the one example in all of the USA in which each player does not have a loving house filled with 2 monogamous, religious, wealthy, devoted parents that spend hours researching everything they can do to improve their DD's life. Yeah, right.

The OP is a sad situation, but not rare. This forum has spent 25 pages debating the Face mask issue this week and many of the posts in that discussion state that the decision should be left to the parents. Would these be the same parents that are busy at the bar and can't take their children to practice? The ones referenced in the title to this thread as 'Bad Parents'? My moral code does not allow me to condemn the ignorant actions of 'Bad Parents' and then argue that those same parents should be solely responsible for their DD's safety.

Hey there Country Boy! Reading between the lines it seems that those who don't run out onto the field and put a mask on our daughter's faces are "Bad Parents" right?

Well then what about those "Bad Parents" who drive their kids to softball???? After all, they are much much much more likely to die as a passenger in the car driving to their softball game/practice as they are playing the game without a mask.
May 14, 2010
Hey there Country Boy! Reading between the lines it seems that those who don't run out onto the field and put a mask on our daughter's faces are "Bad Parents" right?

Well then what about those "Bad Parents" who drive their kids to softball???? After all, they are much much much more likely to die as a passenger in the car driving to their softball game/practice as they are playing the game without a mask.

Not at all. You misunderstand me, and that's probably all my fault. If you tell me that you looked at the situation, thought about your daughter's safety and decided that a mask wasn't necessary; I'm good with that. I may not agree with your decision, but at least you made an informed one.

My issue is that a large percentage of softball players in America don't have that parental guidance behind them. So if we, as an association/ group, insist that safety decisions be personal choices made by the parents, then we are failing those players as surely as if we swung a bat into their face.

Bad Parenting, by my definition, is placing your desires ahead of your child's needs. Going to the bar instead of driving your child to the park is an example. Spending $50 on a tattoo instead of tutoring for your child that is failing math is another.

If you come to the ballpark, observe the conditions, price a mask; and then decide that your DD's brain and nose are not worth $35, that's an informed decision. Not bad parenting.

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