Bad parents

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May 18, 2009
It happens every year. Seems like we get a set of parents that are bad apples. Drunk or don't care. My DD just told me one of our players walked with her little sister to our practice because her mom was at the bar.
Jun 18, 2012
At least she is looking out for her little sister. Near here just a couple of days ago a driver saw what she thought was a plastic grocery bag moving across the street. It was a crawling toddler. She stopped and took the toddler from the road just when a very young sister was coming to get her. WHEW!
May 14, 2010
Too bad her drunk Mom is the one responsible for making a rational, informed decision about whether she wears a mask...

Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Sounds like a mask is the least of her issues. I am sure others will look out for her. It is unfortunate that some would seize the opportunity to take advantage of her misfortune to advance their own personal agenda.
May 14, 2010
Not my personal agenda. Just trying to let you know that not all, actually very few, players have the Utopia at home that you are depending on to make good decisions for them. While this is not the norm in my experience, neither is it a rare occurence. Depending on parents to make good decisions is like depending on Drunks to drive safe. Might happen. But the odds...
Oct 22, 2009
Ignore CB. The comment is stupid and out of line.

Agree with DR and RB, this is sad but she is looking out for her little sister and getting the support of her teammates.
May 14, 2010
Ignore CB. The comment is stupid and out of line.

Agree with DR and RB, this is sad but she is looking out for her little sister and getting the support of her teammates.

Sorry. My comment was out of line. The OP is the one example in all of the USA in which each player does not have a loving house filled with 2 monogamous, religious, wealthy, devoted parents that spend hours researching everything they can do to improve their DD's life. Yeah, right.

The OP is a sad situation, but not rare. This forum has spent 25 pages debating the Face mask issue this week and many of the posts in that discussion state that the decision should be left to the parents. Would these be the same parents that are busy at the bar and can't take their children to practice? The ones referenced in the title to this thread as 'Bad Parents'? My moral code does not allow me to condemn the ignorant actions of 'Bad Parents' and then argue that those same parents should be solely responsible for their DD's safety.

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