Asked to move up with team - Wrong to ask which players are staying?

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Nov 14, 2011
My DD's team is thinking of moving from 14u to 16u next season. Most of the players are still eligible to play 14u next year but my DD has to move to 16. The team is thinking of moving up to 16u and asked if we wanted to move with them. Is it impolite/wrong to ask what players are making the move up to base our decision from? I have heard from some coaches in the past that they frowned against parents asking this question. For us, it is important to know what players and coaching staff will be part of the new team.
Oct 22, 2009
Does the coaches DD also have to age up or can she stay at 14U for another year? If she ages up with your DD, the coach will be more motivated to bring his best players up to 16 with him. On the other hand, if his DD can stay down another year, then the decision of the 14U eligible players will make a huge difference in whether the team moves up.

I would ask the coach directly, either in private or in an end of year team/parents meeting. The coach ought to be straight with you, and if not, keep your DD's options open, as you don't want her left without a place to play.
Jun 1, 2013
You should definitely ask. Sometimes coaches move their girls up too quick just so they can keep a good pitcher on the roster. What position does your DD play? My youngest daughter was on a weak team 12u team. I put her on there because she needed to work at a position that she would not have the opportunity on a better team. Anyway after two tournaments and some extremely bad losses, I bring two other good players to the team. One was a pitcher throwing 58 tops cruising at the mid 50's. Well we won our next game against a really good team. There were at least 10k's but the next thing I know HC says that he wants to move everyone up to 14's! There were only 4 girls that had to bump up, two of them were the girls I brought out the night before. It was so obvious that he was trying to keep that pitcher and he would have sacrificed the development of all those girls to keep the pitcher. Seriously, this team was awful and how I wound up committing to this team is another story. As soon as I told him we weren't staying, he chose to stay at 12u. Asking who is moving up, you are doing the right thing for your daughter. You are also letting coach know there are some girls you would rather play with or without. Give your DD as much info as you can and explain things to her, your opinion, and let her make the decision.
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Aug 4, 2008
This is direct from a college coaches this weekend. Pet Peeve " I still have one more year I can play at ( ????) . They want to hear I'm playing up against better competition. So if you want to play college ball they want you to play against better pitching and better players.
They complain the go watch kids and they are playing against weak teams and who cares if they go 3 for 3 against a weak pitcher.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Theres nothing wrong with a player 'playing up' but, a whole team. Some players may/will struggle against better pitchers. The struggling players may/will weaken the whole team. This may cause the team to decide to play weaker teams/division? Now that player is not seeing the better picther. I would ask what players are moving up.
Nov 14, 2011
Thanks for the replies. My DD is a pitcher and is the only player that must move up. The rest are 13's going to be 14's. My main concern is that while the team is a strong team in whole, there are a few (2-3) that are weak and are not ready for 16u. I also feel that if the coach decides to stay down to 14u they will have a great team next year. While I appreciate that they want to keep my DD, I think the coach would be better off staying down as a whole.
Jul 2, 2013
My take on age groups;

12U is for rah, rah, go for the trophies, have fun, because much sooner than you think, it is a business.

Serious players go as fast as they can to 16U. 16U gets combined with 18U many times. After 12U it is time to learn to play with the BIG girls.

14U is a waste for the hitters. Hitters need to see HS speed. 14U is valuable for the pitchers to be #1 or #2 and get the reps needed that they may not get in 16U.

We skipped 14U, after 12U, and went directly to 16U. Took our lumps, and quicker than you might think, could battle right with the older girls.

I would ask who will move up, and go further and try to get everyone to move up. It is now a business, should be thought of as a business, and acted as such. A year or so from now players will be moving back and forth "per season". The fun begins to lessen, and players freely, and rightfully, start moving to the highest level team who wants them.

The parents who resist, blame the good players who "abandon" them, are doing so for their best interests. Soon they catch on as soon as a better team offers. It turns into a roller coaster, expect it.
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