ASA Rule Question Regarding Pick Up Players

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Jun 13, 2013
Can you pick up players from other ASA teams to play in a qualifier? The scenario is: 2 ASA teams, team 1 is finished playing qualifiers, did not qualify and decided not to play any more for the season. Team 2 picks up a few of those players to play in a qualifier. Is that allowed? Also can someone post a link to the ASA Rules?


Jun 22, 2008
Simple answer is if this is your local (state/metro) association's qualifier, you need to abide by their rules. If this is a Territory or National Qualifier of any type, you cannot pick-up players until the national. See paragraph in red below.

From ASA Code:

Article 303 PICK-UP PLAYERS.
A. General Rule. All teams are permitted to pick-up three players as follows:

01. The team adding pick-up players must select eligible roster members from ASA registered teams in the team’s own local association. EXCEPTIONS: a. All men’s and women’s fast pitch divisions, Junior Olympic Boy’s Fast Pitch and Junior Olympic Gold Girls’ 18-Under Fast Pitch. Pickup players may come from teams within the region that are no longer eligible for championship play. Pick-up players will not be allowed after the National Championship Finals for the National Championship Series. b. If two local associations combine berths and/or championship play, pick-up players may come from either local association with the approval of both commissioners.

02. Pick-up players must have played for an ASA-registered team during the current season and must have played in the division of play for which they are being picked up. EXCEPTION: Senior Slow Pitch.

03. Pick-up players must be selected only from ASA registered teams no longer eligible for championship play.
EXCEPTION: A player that has been released from a team’s championship roster prior to August 15 of that calendar year in accordance with the Player Release form.

04. Pick-up players must be from the team’s same division and the same or lower classification. CLARIFICATION: In Junior Olympic play there two types of classification, one type of classification is Gold, Class A and Class B; the other type of classification is age classification, 18-Under, 16-Under, 14-Under, 12-Under and 10-Under. Therefore as an example, a player who has competed on a Junior Olympic Girls’ Fast Pitch 16-Under team is not an eligible pick-up player for any team below the 16-Under age classification. Another example, once a player participates on a Class A team, they are not eligible to participate in Class B even if moving up in the age classification.

05. Players ( Adult and Junior Olympics ) whose teams have qualified to compete in the highest level tournaments within a classification shall not be eligible pick-up players. CLARIFICATION: A player who has competed in any Junior Olympic Girls’ Fast Pitch National Championship Finals is not an eligible pick-up player for any other Junior Olympic Girls’ National Championship Finals. EXCEPTION: A player who has competed in the Men’s 23-Under or Women’s 23-Under championship play is eligible to participate in other adult championship play during the same season as a pick-up player.

06. No player may be picked up for National Qualifiers, Junior Olympic Hall of Fame Tournaments or Territory Qualifying tournaments.

07. In adult divisions of play, a pick-up player may be substituted for after participation.

08. In Junior Olympic divisions of play, a pick-up player may not be substituted for after participation.

09. Junior Olympic GOLD and Class A players who compete on adult teams as pick-up players are only eligible to be picked up for Major or Class A teams.

10. A player may play as a pick-up player with only one team other than their rostered ASA registered team within a division in a season.

11. Teams adding pick-up players must submit a completed official ASA pick-up player form attached to the official roster before the team plays in the tournament.

B. Fast Pitch, Modified Pitch, and Slow Pitch Pickup Players. A player may be picked up at any level of championship play prior to the National Championship Final as follows:

01. If players are picked up prior to the local association championship, they must be governed by their local association rules.
02. If players are picked up after their local association championship, the pick up player(s) must be governed by Article 303 of the ASA Code.

C. Church Slow Pitch and Industrial Slow Pitch Teams. Teams may not pick up any player that does not meet the eligibility requirements of that division of play

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