ASA roster - bona fide residence question

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Sep 18, 2011
We live in one state (A) and DD plays travel ball for a team based in another state (B), 4 hours away. B is where both the DW and I grew up and all of our extended family still live there.

In just over a month from now, DD will pack up her things and she will move in with her grandparents for the summer season (we would never be able to commute back and forth for practices and games). Given that she will actually be living in state B during the season, can we use that address on the ASA roster form? I have tried every search possible and can't find an answer. Thanks.
Jun 24, 2013
I would say no you need to use your address but I am not sure ASA cares. It is too important to get wrong. I would send the ASA comish for state B an Email and make sure you save their response.


Feb 20, 2012
Some of the marquee teams in GA have players from multiple states, so I am not sure that it matters which address you use.
Sep 18, 2011
I would say no you need to use your address but I am not sure ASA cares. It is too important to get wrong. I would send the ASA comish for state B an Email and make sure you save their response.

Thanks. I wouldn't think ASA would care either way as it is really not an eligibility issue. It's more a question of an NCAA issue because a college coach might get added to the coaching staff, but he can only do so if all the girls reside within a certain distance of the institution or something like that. It's complicated.
Jun 24, 2013
What you might be trying to do is what they, the schools, try to guard against is why I do not think you can change her address.

If ASA has a hole in it and you can get around the system a little bit to help the coach great, just make sure it will not affect your DD.
Mar 26, 2013
ASA only cares about players' residency when determining the proper local association where a team should register.

Article 301 - C. Team Eligibility.
01. Team Registration. A team must register with the local association in which the greatest number of its’ players reside, and this number must be retained for the remainder of the season.
EXCEPTION: Teams in an adjoining county to a state or metro association may register with either the state or the metro association by mutual consent of the State/Metro Commissioner’s involved.

The NCAA rule for coaches involved in a local sports club in the same sport is HS players have to legally reside in the area of the school (50-mile radius for Div-I and 100 miles for Div-II) or be able to document that it is the closest opportunity to participate in the sport. This doesn't apply to younger players because they usually aren't prospective student athletes yet.
Sep 18, 2011
ASA only cares about players' residency when determining the proper local association where a team should register.

Article 301 - C. Team Eligibility.
01. Team Registration. A team must register with the local association in which the greatest number of its’ players reside, and this number must be retained for the remainder of the season.
EXCEPTION: Teams in an adjoining county to a state or metro association may register with either the state or the metro association by mutual consent of the State/Metro Commissioner’s involved.

The NCAA rule for coaches involved in a local sports club in the same sport is HS players have to legally reside in the area of the school (50-mile radius for Div-I and 100 miles for Div-II) or be able to document that it is the closest opportunity to participate in the sport. This doesn't apply to younger players because they usually aren't prospective student athletes yet.

Thanks, socal. I actually had you in mind when i posed the question. I've done a modicum of research since this morning and I think living somewhere temporarily for two months is not sufficient to claim "legal residence." My other question, last one I promise, is does this NCAA rule apply at all to a division 3 coach? i don't see why it would since D3 cannot offer athletic scholarships. The coach in question is a D3 coach, not D1 or D2. Thanks.
Mar 26, 2013
You're correct - temporarily moving within the area does not satisfy NCAA's legal resident requirement if you maintain a permanent residence outside of it.

Div-III doesn't require participants to be local. They only restrict sponsorship of the team. Sports Club Teams. It is permissible for an institution’s coach or administrator to be involved in any capacity (e.g., as a participant or administrator or in instructional or coaching activities) in an organized sports club or organization involving teams of prospective student-athletes; however, neither an institution’s athletics department nor an institution’s athletics booster group may sponsor a sports club that includes prospective student-athletes. It is permissible for a department of the institution that operates independent of the athletics department (e.g., physical education department, recreation department) to sponsor a sports club that includes prospective student-athletes, provided no athletics department staff member is involved with the club team. (Adopted: 1/10/90, Revised: 1/16/93, 1/9/06, 5/4/09, 1/16/10)
Sep 18, 2011
Thanks, socal. My other question, last one I promise, is does this NCAA rule apply at all to a division 3 coach? i don't see why it would since D3 cannot offer athletic scholarships. The coach in question is a D3 coach, not D1 or D2. Thanks.

I THINK i found my answer. To summarize, the big question I have is whether a D3 coach may help coach a travel team comprised of 9th and 10 graders. I know D1 and D2 have radius restrictions, but this is what i found in the D3 manual: Sports Club Teams. It is permissible for an institution’s coach or administrator to be involved in any capacity (e.g., as a participant or administrator or in instructional or coaching activities) in an organized sports club or organization involving teams of prospective student-athletes; however, neither an institution’s athletics department nor an institution’s athletics booster group may sponsor a sports club that includes prospective student-athletes. It is permissible for a department of the institution that operates independent of the athletics department (e.g., physical education department, recreation department) to sponsor a sports club that includes prospective student-athletes, provided no athletics department staff member is involved with the club team.
(Adopted: 1/10/90, Revised: 1/16/93, 1/9/06, 5/4/09, 1/16/10)

No radius restriction appears to apply. Now i'm just looking for some validation. Anyone?

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