Are sports pricing themselves out of the market?

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Jul 2, 2013
Thank you for creating and articulating my position and then disagreeing with it. I appreciate it when someone who lets the media do their thinking for them, do it for me. Its so much faster then having to have my own thought.

Stranger danger lessons were among the worst safety programs ever designed for kids. It created this image of a bogey man who will snatch up kids and created this false sense of comfort around people the kids know. Statistically the child predator is more likely someone the child knows, but the kid isn't trained to recognize danger from people they know, only that strangers are bad.

As for the melding of topics. I certainly don't see how an organization that charges thousands a year is more or less safe then one who gets substantially the same thing done for hundreds of dollars.

My parents simply told me "we don't believe in organized youth sports, now go outside and play". What they were not saying, and more closer to the truth is "we cannot afford it, both of us are working, we have 5 kids, so get out of our hair, and play ball with your brothers and sisters, and neighborhood kids. Dinner is at 6."

I brought up my DD different. She was born with a stick and a ball in her crib. Her play has been much more influenced by volunteer coaches and fathers who recognized her potential as I developed her as best as I could until she was 7. Then I needed help from others.

We only played for a high dollar org for one year, as it was not cost beneficial. The coaches were great, but were never able to form a personal connection. Not as good as the coaches who were free, and had a personal connection.

Coaching really is not a super specialized thing. A slew of folks are good at it, and just because you charge more money, or even money at all, does not make you a better coach. A parent, at least for me, wants a competent coach who has formed a personal connect with my DD. Fortunately we have found a bunch of these men in our town, and have circumvented the high dollar stuff for the most part.
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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Why would you assume that has any place here?

Sorry, Joe, no desire to offend here. I deleted the post. But to answer your question, Whenever this topic comes up, this bit by this comedian pops to mind. I heard it a few years ago when my DDs were really young and I was way too overprotective and it made me laugh at myself because I was so concerned about something that is highly unlikely to happen. I forget sometimes that some people get offended when it comes to comedians that work with taboo subjects like this so I apologize.
Dec 2, 2012
Sorry, Joe, no desire to offend here. I deleted the post. But to answer your question, Whenever this topic comes up, this bit by this comedian pops to mind. I heard it a few years ago when my DDs were really young and I was way too overprotective and it made me laugh at myself because I was so concerned about something that is highly unlikely to happen. I forget sometimes that some people get offended when it comes to comedians that work with taboo subjects like this so I apologize.

Thank you.... I usually don't get that aggressive, except where my girls are concerned. I'm way over protective of my own two teenage daughters, and my other eleven "adopted" 14-16 year old daughters. I want them to remain "kids" as long as possible. Softball is a great way for them to focus on something other than the "adult" stuff that bombards them every day, and as such, I work very hard to keep our softball world as "clean" as possible. All the best, - Joe

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