Accuracy/consistency Help

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Mar 6, 2018
Any secrets to this? How can someone be more consistent in their pitches. DD has better control of movement pitches, but has a really tough time with her fastball. She's also a lefty. I've tried to stress she just needs to master a change up and a movement/speed pitch she can control. She gets in trouble and wants to go back to the fastball and its can be all down hill from there. Shes 13, average speed for age (45-50). What pitches work work for lefties?


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Any secrets to this? How can someone be more consistent in their pitches. DD has better control of movement pitches, but has a really tough time with her fastball. She's also a lefty. I've tried to stress she just needs to master a change up and a movement/speed pitch she can control. She gets in trouble and wants to go back to the fastball and its can be all down hill from there. Shes 13, average speed for age (45-50). What pitches work work for lefties?
Lots of questions, but consistency generally comes from good, repeatable mechanics. If you have video that would help us see what is going on.

What pitches work depends a lot on the individual. Fastball/change up is a great place to start once the mechanics are good.

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Apr 28, 2014
I'm with Marriard on this one. It begins with good repeatable mechanics and then requires hundreds of pitches to master location. One issue with younger kids as they mature is that they are used to aiming pitches (from being told to just throw strikes). They have a hard time breaking this habit when learning to increase speed.
Aug 21, 2008
First of all, get it out of your head (and possibly hers) that it has ANYTHING to do with being a lefty. The hardest part about being a lefty pitcher is many RH pitching coaches have a hard time "turning things around" for lefties. That said, you never mentioned what the problem was... inconsistency and accuracy can be vague terms. Where is she missing? Inside on a LH Hitter? Outside on LH hitter? Odds are it's something basic, don't worry. I'm going to do a Jedi Mind trick and tell you what the problem is, sight unseen, just by you telling me where she is missing with her control. These party tricks are free but tips are appreciated. lol

Mar 6, 2018
First of all, get it out of your head (and possibly hers) that it has ANYTHING to do with being a lefty. The hardest part about being a lefty pitcher is many RH pitching coaches have a hard time "turning things around" for lefties. That said, you never mentioned what the problem was... inconsistency and accuracy can be vague terms. Where is she missing? Inside on a LH Hitter? Outside on LH hitter? Odds are it's something basic, don't worry. I'm going to do a Jedi Mind trick and tell you what the problem is, sight unseen, just by you telling me where she is missing with her control. These party tricks are free but tips are appreciated. lol


If you could get this one straightened out, a big tip would be in order, lol. Everyone has given us very good advice. I think she is learning too many pitches, too quickly. Old PC was HE, new one doesn't seem to be, but has taught her 4 pitches in a short amount of time. She is actually more accurate with the moment pitches.

She uses the racing dive, Jennie Finch, some it may be that she is pulling to hard with her glove hand when pulling against her pitching hand. If isolated in a stride, she's very accurate.
She misses every where, but if she is throwing a change, she misses outside to a RH. If she is throwing a fastball, it could be anywhere left or right. She understands realease point and doesn't have a problem high or low.

Her curve is pretty accurate, but coach has her stepping left of the power line to create the curve. I'm thinking she should use spin, not the mis direction.

He push change is not much slower than the fastball. Flip change is a definite speed difference but she always misses left of the plate with that one.

I really appreciate all the help, very discouraged. I know it's way too much to fix on a msg board without actually seeing her. Just have invested countless hours, all of I enjoyed, but wondering if it's time to stop.

Wish there were more options here, but we are in a rural area in GA and not sure if there would be any Top Shelf PC around.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
One of the first things all pitchers should learn is why the ball goes where it goes. Mechanics will typically dictate north, south, east, or west misses
Where is she missing, what kind of spin is she attempting, etc... again, if you want REAL answers for her real issues, you'll need to post a video or two.
Otherwise we're only speculating.

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