9yr old suggestions and drills?

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May 24, 2010
I know you're looking for opinions on her pitching form but it's impossible not to mention..

She's so cute!!!

I'm a father myself and your DD just reminds me my own little player.. Sorry, couldn't help it.. :D

IMO her overall timing is good. Congrats!

As for improvements, it seems DD is pushing the ball from 9:00 to 6:00 (palm facing ground at 9:00). A pulling action (palm up at 9:00) would give it more whip and ball speed. Also, she's releasing the ball after the optimum point (the hips), and this usually leads to control issues and loss of speed.

If you haven't done it yet, try reading the sticky threads "IR the classroom" and "Drive mechanics". Really great stuff in there!


May 24, 2010
You can argue with Yukiko Ueno and Amanda ... they can offer more (visual) information than my simple opinion..



Hanson principle, AGAIN...

And just to clarify, 3 or 9, it doesn't matter the number.. it's just a number.. you can call it 100 if you like it. But the point is, at the last quarter of the circle when the arm is behind the body, elbow should lead down with palm up (or with little rotation of the hand to 3rd base, but not pointing down)
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
It seems 3 is really 9 or whatever, but there is no need to put the palm up at that time. At third is fine. I don't have time but I can post numerous pictures, and RP and BHH agree on the position. When she starts throwing movement all that goes out the window anyway. The elbow leading is the key. We are starting to see elbow pain in young players who force that palm up position for extended periods of overuse.

It isn't that you should force a palm-up orientation at 9o'clock with the muscles in the arm, more that the use of the lower body at that point will result in a palm-up orientation. KenB has described it as a lag effect ... and it's a good description imo.
Jul 20, 2014
In this video she gets to Palm up at 9. In coaches eye I slow it down to see. She just starts ball facing 3rd at 12 then goes to Palm up at 9. So it doesn't matter as long as she's at Palm up by 9?
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6-4-3 = 2
May 6, 2013
Western NY
Again, it depends on what pitch Finch, et al are throwing. Having the palm up may hurt the rise or screw.

What?!!! That's a bunch a phooey. You're taking the orientation of the hand position at 6 and confusing it with what this conversation is actually about.

Palm up would be expected on the curve, which Ueno, Abbott throw a lot, so it is people mistaking those videos for FBs that kids should throw (and also getting confused about Ueno's funky endings some times).

Again... confusion... Allow me to clarify.

There's no mistaking the stretch shortening cycle. There's no mistaking that 180-degrees of rotation is superior to 90. There's also no mistaking elbow orientation between 11 and 8 o'clock, and how it relates to shoulder health.

Even though I firmly support the Hansen Principle on here, to assume that all D1 pitchers are mechanically perfect is a joke. Studying them requires an open mind... and the ability to honestly ask yourself, "What can they do better?" Biomechanical advantages are something that you can try to argue, OILF... in futility.

In any case, it is a transition position, not a pose,

... so take a look at all these stills... :rolleyes:

Look, great to see you actually try to post pictures that support your claims... kudos. But to do so in 'stills', as your contradiction points out... is absurd.

Many wall wipers will go from 3B to Sky as they descend, as the advantage it creates is superior. Case and point:


Oh yeah, that's a riseball... didn't seem to hurt that pitch.

I could keep going....

Yeah, we know.

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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Many wall wipers will go from 3B to Sky as they descend, as the advantage it creates is superior.

This is a really important distinction to make between a still pic and a full action shot when looking at a pitcher's I/R load. Often the 9 o clock position is neutral as it concerns the I.R load (3rd base) and as the acceleration takes place in that last quadrant, the palm loads with the ball up more. Jenny and Sarah are good examples of this.

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