8u batting order suggestions, no bunting or base stealing allowed

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Feb 7, 2013
We still machine pitch in our 8U, BUT we start developing our pitchers outside of game time so they they are ready come 10U. We teach them the basics of flick drills, follow throughs, K-Drills, correct footwork, etc. Towards the end of 8U we let them face live pitching in practice so we hoepfully avoid the dreaded Walk-a-thon at 10U.

Most local rec leagues here have a hybrid coach pitch / kid pitch approach at 8U. The first half of the season is kid pitch with no walks (the coach comes on to finish the count), once half way through the season its all kid pitch. Players moving up from 6U in the fall who want to pitch can start practicing and pitching in fall whcih is more developmental, less games, and no standings. Once they get to spring, they will have had 6 months practice under their belt and most do reasonably fine in spring if they have been practicing regularly. In 8U you also have the older girls (2nd year players) who have now been pitching for 3 seasons. By the time the players get to 8U all-stars in the summer (where its all kid pitch), they are fairly accurate and most have a decent fastball and a semi-decent change-up. By fall 10U, most teams have one good starting pitcher and a decent #2 and/or #3.

This process works really well and is a win/win situation for both the batters and pitchers. There was a comment that with kid pitch, rec players will drop out of the league more, apparently because the pitching is too good? I disagree, most players get used to the speed pretty quickly and girls that drop out would likely drop out no matter what the rules are.

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