7u swing advice

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Jun 5, 2024
Thanks, and we do ice cream a couple of times a week. I just don't want her getting bored doing the same things and don't want to confuse her with advanced stuff at this age. I was hoping someone had some simple and fun stuff that would help her. Wish we played on kid sized fields instead of 200ft, bombs are fun.
Jun 18, 2023
at 7 though sometimes it's more fun when the kid smacks one past the outfielders barely paying attention and then they all (and maybe an infielder too for fun) go chasing it while the batter circles the bases for an inside the parker.


Jun 5, 2024
She got one tracked down and caught at about 140ft. Last Saturday trust me the 135ft fence with the ball going over would be more fun lol.
Jun 4, 2024
I was hoping someone had some simple and fun stuff that would help her.
🙂 sure bunch of us here could offer lots of hitting drills and maybe mechanical suggestions.
See the responses you got were~
Holy Shoot
which I took to mean
wow that was impressive immediately. Agree!
My response relax and enjoy! Which means don't worry so much about it, your kid is doing great, enjoy the journey!
Do lots of swing reps.
+ eat ice cream ✔️🥳

At 7u
Other than doing basic hitting stuff, like others suggested, lots of toss/soft pitch. Hit with T in different positions. She is on her way. Possibly the best response that you got was that!
(maybe it wasn't what you are looking for)
Perhaps people not responding with more tasks is because those can create burnout.
Since she is enthusiastically doing what she is doing, enjoy that. There is plenty of time to implement technical tweaking,
IF that would be needed .
( imo would not bug her she's fine, just applaud👍)
Let her determine some of that added curriculum. As you already noticed there's a dynamic between you and your child. Keep being her greatest fan! Try not to be the coach inadvertently pressuring.
Even with good intention 🙂
Last edited:
Apr 20, 2018
I know you don't want to burn her out and get too technical but you also don't want her to fall into bad habits/mechanics. Same goes for throwing. Once a player falls into bad mechanics and practices them for a period of time it is very difficult to fix. So I am not in the camp of "let her do it her way and have fun and eat ice cream." She is already way better than the average 7 year old. She has the intention of hitting the ball hard with her core as the engine. At 7, you usually get very disconnected, armsy, spinning swings. Out of curiosity, has she done gymnastics or martial arts?
Throwing frisbee left handed is fun and the motion is very similar to bottom hand mechanics and might help her from arm barring. It can also help her understand when to release the barrel on inside vs outside pitches. Also mentioned, hit with T in different positions. I would also recommend whenever possible doing tee work out into an open field or into a backstop that 60 or 70 feet away so she can see the trajectory of the ball. She will be getting feedback and correcting herself. Line drives are the goal.
Then go get ice cream.


Jun 5, 2024
She doesn't do any gymnastics or anything like that, I do have her throw the bucket lid sometimes. I agree with keeping things fun and some things they figure out on their own, but I do believe you can have fun and get better. She had a good weekend last weekend, hit the ball well all day.