3 steps and then throw to 2B?

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Sep 29, 2014
Usually this is a bad habit taught by 10U coaches that have catchers that can't throw the ball on a line to 2B get it down there.

In the end even if the ball takes two or three bounces it is better to learn the right technique now than try and undo something just because coach wants runners thrown out stealing.

At 12U she should be able to get the ball there at the very least consistently on one hop, again better a level throw than teaching her to throw a rainbow just so it does not bounce.

If at 12U your catcher can't do this you need to either get someone with a stronger arm behind the plate or live with runners always stealing 2b because as soon as a coach figures out she cant make the throw he will run all day long.
Dec 19, 2012
Right, but my comment was in regards to trying to guess what the coach may have possibly been teaching. I can't figure out where 3 steps comes from, unless it's a shuffle.

It sounds like the coach wants her to get a running start to throw the ball.
Aug 31, 2015
I have seen this done before with a runner on 2nd in 10u. If there is an insanely fast runner on second that gets a huge jump off second sometimes the catcher will try to make her commit one way or the other by running a few steps out. Most times if the catcher throws to second the runner will take off to third and is safe fairly easily. If the catcher throws to third the runner will wait to see if it is a clean catch before turning back. It is bad base running IMO and usually goes away by 12u as their arms get more powerful and the infielders get better.
Sep 4, 2015
How is your daughter's arm? Does she have a hard time getting it to second on the fly or even one hop?

I think her arm is OK. She gets the ball to 2B pretty quickly and accurately. She got outs pretty consistently during MS ball. Last travel tournament she didnt get any...so I don't know. I just assume she has to work at it like everything.

Thanks for all your comments! I really appreciate it.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I think her arm is OK. She gets the ball to 2B pretty quickly and accurately. She got outs pretty consistently during MS ball. Last travel tournament she didnt get any...so I don't know. I just assume she has to work at it like everything.

Thanks for all your comments! I really appreciate it.

Catchers should be doing (at least) as much extra work as pitchers. Improving the technical details of playing the position (receiving, blocking, throwing, fielding, etc.) are a big part of what makes the difference between a mediocre catcher and a good catcher. A good catcher is a game-changer.
Nov 29, 2009
Got her pop time tonight - 3.12...no idea if that's good or not.

3.12 is not good, even for an 11 yo. Get the NECC video that was suggested. It will be THE best money you can spend on your DD's catching training.

Here is some simple math when it comes to base stealing. The average 12 yo player is in the area of 3.4 - 3.6 from home to 1st. Their stride length is in the area of 4'. So it should take them appx 15 strides to cover the 60'. Appx .25 sec/stride. They also have a running start from the base.

Runner with 3.4 speed:

Catcher Action, Runner Action, Distance Covered

Pitch time to the plate .5 seconds =, 2 strides, - 8' from the base path length.
3 steps taken by your DD =, 3 - 4 strides, - 12 - 16' from the base path length.
Flight time of the ball 1.75 seconds =, 7 strides, -28' from the base path length.
Runner's slide =, -1 stride, -4' from the base path length.

So, IF your DD does everything perfectly she has a .25 - .5 second margin of error to get a stealing runner provided she delivers a perfect throw to 2nd base and the SS executes perfectly. I didn't include transition time from catching to starting the throwing motion.

The BIGGEST coaching mistakes I seeing being made is to not teach the kids the correct fundamentals for where they are going to in their softball careers. They try and teach the kids for the short term. In the long run it hurts the kids because they have to re-learn the game as they get older.
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