28 Days til HS try-outs and...........

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Feb 20, 2012
there is over 1' of snow on the ground, ice everywhere, and its going to be about 10-degrees this weekend !! It seems like we cant break this cold to get a melt down like we have in the past.


Fall HS softball....starts the first week of August, and the season over by the end of October if you make it all the way through the playoffs.
Nov 26, 2010
Basketball is still in full swing for my dd, but the softball coach can have a limited number of girls at any one workout at this point, so he had something like 5 sessions scheduled on Sunday, she goes for hitting and pitching practice with him every week now. Actual softball tryouts start I think March 2nd.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
We have multiple sports on the same schedule and the show must go on, or the computer and the ADs get out of whack. I have been out there in 30 degrees for sure, hail, rain, snow. Now, they do publish a heat index where caution and then canceling has to happen, but it is pretty high.

So at no point does common sense kick in and the safety of the athletes becomes a concern?
Sep 18, 2011
DD hasn't played high school ball because she's homeschooled and we live in a state where homeschoolers are not allowed to participate in school sports (don't want to debate that issue - pros and cons to both sides of the debate). We will be moving shortly to MN, one of about 28 states with a so-called "Tim Tebow law" where homeschoolers are allowed to play school sports. Looking forward to the experience, although I hope they don't make her pitch!
Sep 29, 2014
Been on both sides of that...my son played baseball in Colorado for a small Christian high school even though he was homeschooled because it was allowed. Then we moved to Texas and you can't play for even a private school because of the rules so they had a homeschool team that was allowed to play other small private schools but only during scrimmage and non-district schedule so once the season was in full swing we were basically done except for a few scrimmages the coach set up.


Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
Little of the original subject but is it allowed to start a sport team with other home school kids? There is a softball, baseball and basketball team here in our area for home school kids. I have to say also all the programs are very competitive and have done well in the past.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Little of the original subject but is it allowed to start a sport team with other home school kids? There is a softball, baseball and basketball team here in our area for home school kids. I have to say also all the programs are very competitive and have done well in the past.

I don't know what would prevent you from starting a team. The real question is will regular schools be permitted to play against your team. In many states the governing State High School Sports Association does not permit competition with anyone other than member institutions. So unless you can become a member you may only be able to play other non-member teams.

Here in Florida home school kids and their parents have extensive rights. With respect to athletics they can play for the school for which they are zoned or any private school in the state. Subsequently top athletes are heavily recruited from home school ranks and other private schools.

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