13 YO DD hitting video

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Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
The index finger is not the strongest when it comes to gripping, FFS is correct that the middle and ring are the true gripper fingers. You can ask any martial artist that uses grappling and they will explain how the various wrist locks and such work with just the two "grippers" and the thumb. You actually have a weaker grip when applying pressure with the index finger.


Learn so much on this forum. Great people here. I think my finger idea is out of date even for climbing. As the Tewks vid sinks in though it is sitting strange. That's a strange looking swing if you ask me
Aug 4, 2008
Jim: As you know we tested the bat jack this weekend with my travel team for Howard and Bustos. We run ruled 5 teams and hit a record 17 hits in one game, while using the bat jack on the bat during the games. I only got two and they were making sure they had one on each time they went to bat. To make a long story short, the kids felt it was the reason for hitting the ball harder. I'm sure after others watched us play you will be getting more orders. I had many requests for your web page. This product works and as many of you know I have tested many different things over the years. I had three kids hit over 500.
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Oct 25, 2009
Jim: As you know we tested the bat jack this weekend with my travel team for Howard and Bustos. We run ruled 5 teams and hit a record 17 hits in one game, while using the bat jack on the bat during the games. I only got two and they were making sure they had one on each time they went to bat. To make a long story short, the kids are felt it was the reason for hitting the ball harder. I'm sure after others watched us play you will be getting more orders. I had many requests for your web page. This product works and as many of you know I have tested many different things over the years. I had three kids hit over 500.

Run ruled 5 teams? 17 hits in one game? What kind of competition was this? Or is your team that good? If so, congratulations, and let us in on your methods.
Aug 4, 2008
ASA National qualifier. Of the top 10 teams in the state 8 were there and yes we are one of them. Lost our last game 1-0. I work with all the girls, but they had confidence this weekend and the only change was using this device. We had been using the hair tie, but it doesn't stop you from cheating at bat. You can't with this device. Legal under 3-1D ASA.
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Oct 25, 2009
I'm going to have to try that device for sure.

Side questions, do the ASA national qualifiers play a full 7-inning game or is it modified with time limits? Is there an actual tournament champion? Are the various national qualifier winners listed somewhere?
Aug 4, 2008
All our games were 7 innings with the exception of the run rule games. Each tournament in this area can be different, We had 1 hr and 40 min's. Yes on tournament champ. I have the ASA state rules in front of me and Pool games are 1 hr and 40 min's. Bracket play changes to strict ASA rules and 7 innings, double elimination and 61 teams playing in the tourney. Go to the web page Jim has. We got the soft, not hard. Easy to get on and off bat. It doesn't change the performance of the bat, but it does make sure the player is using the correct grip. It just goes to enforce if you use the correct grip you hit the ball harder and further, plus it makes it very hard to roll the wrists early, like most kids that I call back slappers do..
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Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
All our games were 7 innings with the exception of the run rule games. Each tournament in this area can be different, We had 1 hr and 40 min's. Yes on tournament champ. I have the ASA state rules in front of me and Pool games are 1 hr and 40 min's. Bracket play changes to strict ASA rules and 7 innings, double elimination and 61 teams playing in the tourney. Go to the web page Jim has. We got the soft, not hard. Easy to get on and off bat. It doesn't change the performance of the bat, but it does make sure the player is using the correct grip. It just goes to enforce if you use the correct grip you hit the ball harder and further, plus it makes it very hard to roll the wrists early, like most kids that I call back slappers do..

Wow I am very curious. All of this by taking the index finger off the bat?
Aug 4, 2008
As others have posted the index finger is not a gripper and if you use it the bat sets in the meaty part between the index and your thumb you have a very weak grip. Try it. Take a bat and come to contact with the bat resting in the meaty part of your hand between your index finger and thumb. I bet my 105 lb dd can take her pinky and force your bat back. So what happens when you hit a softball at 57mph. Now hold the bat with the correct grip, which this device teaches you . Come to contact and I can hardly force the bat back. Bustos and Carrier shows this at every camp they conduct. We used a hair tie during our demo, but you can cheat using the hair tie in a game. This device you cannot cheat on the grip. Talk to any hitting coach and if they are worth anything they will tell you grip is one of the most important things they have to correct with young kids. If you don't have a bat , take your finger while setting at the computer and place one finger in the other hand between your index and thumb . Now see if you can hold it while trying to pull it out. Next put your finger below the index finger toward the finger tips. Now you can hold it while trying to pull it out.
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Apr 24, 2011
Jim: As you know we tested the bat jack this weekend with my travel team for Howard and Bustos. We run ruled 5 teams and hit a record 17 hits in one game, while using the bat jack on the bat during the games. I only got two and they were making sure they had one on each time they went to bat. To make a long story short, the kids felt it was the reason for hitting the ball harder. I'm sure after others watched us play you will be getting more orders. I had many requests for your web page. This product works and as many of you know I have tested many different things over the years. I had three kids hit over 500.

SBFAMILY: Congratulations on a great weekend! Keep it going!
Was this at the "Pitch for the Cure" Tournament in Arkansas? Did Howard or Bustos have any comments regarding The Bat Jack?
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
I teach the kids to place the bat barrel between their feet and lean it against their body as described by Epstein. Then have them pick the bat up by the handle with both hands. This places the hands in the correct grip: the “knocker” knuckles of the top hand will be aligned between the “knocker” knuckles and the big knuckles on the bottom hand.”

Williams recommended a firm grip with the pressure being applied by the fingers and not against the palm, with the index finger of the bottom hand slightly open.

IMO there is a practical reason for lifting the index finger of the bottom hand off of the bat. If I keep my bottom hand index finger on the bat, it squishes my top hand pinky finger against my top hand ringer finger as I swing, and it's uncomfortble. I think a lot of kids feel this and instinctively rotate their top hand forward and grip the bat more in their palm to relieve this pressure. If the index finger of the bottom hand is lifted some, it creates a spacer and relieves the pressure, allowing the kids to use a proper grip without it being uncomfortable.

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