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Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
In case anyone is interested:

"To hit the ball to the best advantage, I recommend an extremely firm grip, the pressure applied by the fingers and not against the palms."

--Ted Williams


Apr 24, 2011
Fascinating stuff...

I will try the bat jack style grip in a cage and I am sure will like it. But I guess the question here boils down to this: we know we want a grip that makes our swing as fast as possible, but does it matter how "strong" it is with regards to striking the ball?

I would say that your definition of "strong" matters here. By strong, do you mean "tight"? Tight is not good when it comes to the grip in hitting. My definition of "strong" when it comes to the grip has to do with the position of the hand and the angle that the bat is aligned in the hand and fingers. In other words a "strong" position. Not "tight".

Firm is a good way to describe the pressure in the grip. Too firm or "tight" is not good and too loose without any feel of support is not good either.

Somewhere in between to throw the barrel with velocity and accuracy.
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Aug 4, 2008
How to Grip a Bat. Door Knocking Knuckles, Big Knuckles, or Rings? This study should put this to rest. Keep in mind those days of Ted Williams we didn't have the computers and devices we have today. Don Slaught actually did a study to put this to rest. It was in the lab at UCLA using computers and bat speed meters to see which grip worked best. The correct grip that he posted produced around a 2% improvement. We have tested this study with bat speed meters and have got the same results with our students. I know its hard to put old things to rest. Here is something else we have found working with students and it is posted quote from a very good hitting instructor. "We have seen the wrist rollers have issues with just the grip being incorrect. An example is when the bottom hand thumb is extended and held in the top hand palm. As you get to contact you will feel the bat roll and usually you will pull the ball.

You can actually feel the bat go further through the contact zone by taking the baby finger of the bottom hand and wrapping it around the knob of the bat. In my opinion the bat ball collision last only about 2 milliseconds and being able to hit the ball squarely is critical.

By wrapping the baby around the knob you can feel less restriction in the palm of the hand. Look at the Rocket Tech and you can see why they use a smaller knob."

Jim is also MLB hitting coach like Don Slaught was. They have access to things we don't. The video film Don has is amazing.
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Oct 25, 2009
Looks like they covered every position with the knuckles aligned with each other. The position they didn't cover is where the knocking knuckles align somewhat offset, splitting the area between the knocking knuckle and the punching knuckle.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
SB yeah I love that article but there's more to it than knuckle alignment otherwise you wouldn't have seen such great results from the bat jack.

Going back to my slapshot I saw a great improvement by increasing the pressure applied to the stick at moment of impact. I thought the same principle would apply but I was wrong, assuming Chris and the physics are right.

So, Five, I am curious which principle golf would adhere to. With a slaphot you are sort of hitting the puck indirectly. You hit the ice first to bend the stick, and thus your grip and other body mechanics are critical. You may apply the same amount of force either way to the ice, but you won't bend the stick the same either way, and you won't then follow through to the puck either way.

Apparently in softball and baseball it doesn't matter how strong your grip is when you hit the ball. It's as if the bat were thrown at the ball, or the batter instantaneously disappeared at the moment of impact, it doesn't matter.

I know nothing of golf at all, but be careful Five. Don't golfers hit the ground first? If this is so and it is to bend the club before hitting the ball, then with regard to grip strength, immobility or whatever the best word would be, golf would be more like hockey and less like softball.

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