Rude Parents

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Dec 2, 2013
What do you do when the coach is the biggest offender? No lie, former D3 National Champ team was playing DD's former team a few weeks ago. They are known to be a terror on the bases and have a style and methodology. Batter gets a hit, rounds 1B, runner ends up on 3rd. Play is still live with a 1st and 3rd situation where they would try to draw a throw with the BR between 1st and know the drill. Runner doesn't try to draw the throw and ends up 2nd.

Coach at 3rd base goes ballistic and steps on the field toward 2nd and Yells out "Are you F*c%ing Stupid!!!" for everyone to hear. This is normal language for him.
May 20, 2015
it's funny, because on this long win streak we've gotten compliments from 90% of the teams in our leagues for how we carry ourselves and how we act when beating teams.....a team we beat 29-0 twice last year gave us their league sportsmanship vote

we had a team in the playoffs last year, a bunch of moms were facebook living the game, audio on.......they called me a d!@# (only close friends can call me that), called another one of our ACs fat, said he wasn't that special, talked trash about our kids (especially my DD......long history of my teams and my girls teams beating them over the years, and they are one point DD2 was on first, ball hit into the hole between 1st & 2nd.....DD went into 2nd hard, thinking it got through, looking to pick up 3rd base coach......SS standing on the bag, she made contact and continued to round bag......she pretty much trucked her, didn't have a real option.......she saw the obstruction call, and as it was a wet day, continued to 3rd........on facebook live all you here is "YOU BITCH!".....and then cheering as she was thrown out at 3rd........of course they were confused when she was brought back to 2nd

they continued to yell at us, eventually moved on to shitting on their coach & their own team (funny thing is, their AD was sitting with them)

i shared a clip of the obstruction/bitch video........and one of my old students who was a softball player/3 sport athlete remarked that she knew EXACTLY what team it was before she even saw the video (she graduated 12+ years ago).......some things just never change


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Jun 29, 2021
We have a local team coached by a former D2 coach who are the most rude, obnoxious group of players going. They try to taunt my daughter all the time, despite the fact they played together in LL and on rec ball teams. One particular player is a product of her environment, and she has the most toxic father out there. In a game at our home field last season, my daughter walked his daughter twice. She was on the second day of a back-to-back after the previous game went nine innings, and she had nothing left in the tank. After the second walk, he stands between the dugout and home, screaming, "She's afraid to face you. She's a chicken." I was standing beyond the centerfield fence, and I had to do everything I could not to go over and bash his head in with a bat. Instead, I grabbed our AD and told him what happened. He continued to act that way when the AD showed up, so the AD had him removed from the school grounds for taunting a student.

The worst part was that the former D2 coach let the team and parents get away with it. Their bus ride home was recorded and posted online, and they taunted our school and my daughter. The whole time, the HC sits in front of the bus doing nothing.
May 20, 2015
We have a local team coached by a former D2 coach who are the most rude, obnoxious group of players going. They try to taunt my daughter all the time, despite the fact they played together in LL and on rec ball teams. One particular player is a product of her environment, and she has the most toxic father out there. In a game at our home field last season, my daughter walked his daughter twice. She was on the second day of a back-to-back after the previous game went nine innings, and she had nothing left in the tank. After the second walk, he stands between the dugout and home, screaming, "She's afraid to face you. She's a chicken." I was standing beyond the centerfield fence, and I had to do everything I could not to go over and bash his head in with a bat. Instead, I grabbed our AD and told him what happened. He continued to act that way when the AD showed up, so the AD had him removed from the school grounds for taunting a student.

The worst part was that the former D2 coach let the team and parents get away with it. Their bus ride home was recorded and posted online, and they taunted our school and my daughter. The whole time, the HC sits in front of the bus doing nothing.

passivity is acceptance, acceptance makes one complicit

we had an AC on a Class B team last preseason, they have one of the better pitchers in the state (supposedly)......she's decent anyways, better than any we see in Class C.......first inning of the scrimmage DD is up, runner on 1.....she takes the first strike.....takes a ball.......swings just under a high fastball in the zone......their AC comes out on the top step and literally screams "She can't touch you!"

bad move......DD looked over to me, shaking her pitch went off the middle of the fence in the RC power alley, she chugged into 2B as the run scored, and just stared into the dugout.......he didn't talk much after that, but I can't imagine an assistant on our team doing that and surviving....

we play them regular season this year.....May 11, DD has it circled
Feb 11, 2014
This is an anomaly I just don’t get. I was watching dd play her games yesterday (D3) down in Florida. There were parents from the other team literally taunting our players, saying things like this girl sucks, she can’t hit, she pitches slow, etc. Since when did this become ok?? These are D3 players, not professional athletes who get paid to deal with that BS. Our parents are all right there and we could hear them. Our players could hear them. Just completely classless and uncalled for.
My daughter played in the spring games tournament yesterday and said the parents were yelling things at them, wonder if that's the game you are talking about? She plays for Belhaven.
May 31, 2023
This is an anomaly I just don’t get. I was watching dd play her games yesterday (D3) down in Florida. There were parents from the other team literally taunting our players, saying things like this girl sucks, she can’t hit, she pitches slow, etc. Since when did this become ok?? These are D3 players, not professional athletes who get paid to deal with that BS. Our parents are all right there and we could hear them. Our players could hear them. Just completely classless and uncalled for.
I wouldnt expect that from college parents regardless of the Div. Still living through their kids.
Apr 18, 2023
This is an anomaly I just don’t get. I was watching dd play her games yesterday (D3) down in Florida. There were parents from the other team literally taunting our players, saying things like this girl sucks, she can’t hit, she pitches slow, etc. Since when did this become ok?? These are D3 players, not professional athletes who get paid to deal with that BS. Our parents are all right there and we could hear them. Our players could hear them. Just completely classless and uncalled for.
At EVERY NCAA game there must be an OSA (on site administrator) it is their job to police the fans, just find out who it is and let them know.
Jul 18, 2022
It's not exactly pretty at 12U TB but the parents are generally okay (had one thrown out last summer for cursing at one of our girls). I didn't realize it continues on. I thought it toned down as they got older. :(

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