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Apr 1, 2017
It's hard to ever find exact breakdowns, I think mainly because the collectives don't want it publicized. I wouldn't doubt that a small school with only $100k in NIL, could be 90% to one particular sport. They have no chance to compete overall with that kind of money, so they're throwing "all their eggs" in one basket and hoping. Basketball is the easiest to do that, because 1 or 2 players can completely change the level of the team.

Iowa State has the 'We Will Collective'. There are the big donors, but the collective has also worked hard trying to get the "average fan" involved too. A lot of partnerships with companies for branded stuff (beer, vodka, jerky, frozen pizzas, golf balls, etc.). The huge money doesn't come from those things, but many "average" people aren't going to just send a donation. However, give them options to buy stuff they already want, and a few $$$ goes to the collective, why not. Need beer for this weekend's tailgate anyway, might as well buy 'Ames Lager', and "help the team".

Back to the 90% thing, I would love to see the breakdowns. We Will is active on twitter, and so are many of the individual board members. I've seen them asked about where the money goes, but you never get specific answers. Regarding Iowa State, I would guess almost all the money goes to men's/women's basketball, football, some to wrestling. I just don't see the other sports getting much/any, but maybe that's naive on my part.
May 29, 2015
Specific to softball, I do think it would be funny if some power school billionaire type, but not traditional softball power, woke up tomorrow and decided their school was going to be the best ever. Warren Buffett has a degree from Nebraska. He could decide to offer $1mil to any player the coach wants. Oklahoma matches, he offers $2mil.

It isn't that far from a reality. It is just finding the right benefactor. You look at what a start-up program like Duke managed to do when they decided to put resources behind it . . . Imagine no cap on resources if you put together the right pitch to the right person.
Apr 14, 2022
Let’s be honest, other than a few transforming athletes, no one is making significant NIL money for the name on the back. It is a way for schools to pay athletes for performance.
Jan 5, 2018
The reason I don't think they will branch off into minor leagues is won't be the same interest level if not attached to the school. IMO the reason people have more interest in college athletics is the students and alumni have a built in loyalty. They feel part of the success when it is their team.

Yes there are other fans of a team for various reasons, but take away that core group of fans and you aren't paying seven figure NIL deals. Both sides need each other even if it makes for uncomfortable bed partners.
They feel part of the success when it is their team.

This is so true of most college athletics.
Nov 5, 2014
I think the numbers I have seen in this thread are off by an order of magnitude. My DD's travel coach has a connection to another top player who just signed with a school after going in the portal and she received 810k plus a full scholarship. For that type of money I totally understand why players would jump ship.
May 27, 2013
I think the numbers I have seen in this thread are off by an order of magnitude. My DD's travel coach has a connection to another top player who just signed with a school after going in the portal and she received 810k plus a full scholarship. For that type of money I totally understand why players would jump ship.

I guess there will be a huge surplus of pitching / hitting coaches over the next several years post college graduation. Can’t wait to see what they will charge for lessons!

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