When is the best time to move a kid from rec to travel ball?

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What are your expectations? FWIW, I'd say "close" is within 30 minutes drive each way. Many drive further...
Don't really have expectations other then the hope of it being somewhat feasible with our already difficult schedule and value wise worth the cost/effort.Hard to beat a 2 min walk to the Little league field ,that was the one saving grace about that situation.Certainly, 30 min or so is within the realm of possibilities.To far beyond that would start to get problematic.

That sounds good, but you really need to do some homework on the teams before tryouts because she will probably want to join. Get as much info as you can about your local TB teams from parents whose kids are playing TB - they can warn you about teams to avoid and might be able to recommend teams that fit what you're seeking. I really recommend ONLY attending tryouts for teams you would consider joining.

Coaching should be your first concern at that age, so watch some teams practice for comparison purposes. Most TB teams have a website or a facebook page where you can find their schedule.

I agree, don't want to be in the situation of her being all excited about a team and be clueless as to anything about them. However, don't really have any contacts in that world so it has been a challenge to derive much info other then whats on their respective pages(when I find them) and outright calling them. Who knows maybe they will give honest appraisal of the other teams.

We intend to only try out with teams we would consider. Obviously, much depends on how each side is impressed or not as to how serious anything is beyond that.Ultimately, whether we do this or not will depend greatly on how bad they want her and how interested she is.Wish we had been more ready for this so that we could preview practices.Still boggles my mind that this gets so serious so early...was just reading about some 14 year olds already making college commitments, unreal.Feel like the out of touch dad asking his teen about today's music.

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