What's your DD's second position?

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Feb 16, 2012
My 14yo DD is primarily a pitcher but when not pitching she plays third. Saw very little time in the outfield, SS and first.
DD (just turned 15), and is a 3rd baseman. She really doesn't have a second position...played outfield in 2 games this year. She isn't fast (3.3 home to first). Is there a second position she should be working on consistently in practice to prepare for college?

2.6 is the average speed college coaches are looking at. I would be doing anything in my power to get her close to that.

Went to a tryout the other day and the coaches said to all the parents that if their kid didn't run that, then they would automatically be cut. Guess what, mine got cut! But they had girls there that could run...
Jan 24, 2011
2.6 is the average speed college coaches are looking at. I would be doing anything in my power to get her close to that.

Went to a tryout the other day and the coaches said to all the parents that if their kid didn't run that, then they would automatically be cut. Guess what, mine got cut! But they had girls there that could run...

I don't think 2.6 is the average. That is on the really quick side of the running spectrum
Oct 10, 2011

At a recent showcase clinic, out of about 115 girls, only 7 were under 3. They did time them in the grass, so I'm sure that didn't help, but still...
Dd is not built for speed, but surprises people for her size. She will be on an off season speed and agility program when volleyball ends.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
DD's secondary from 6-15 was first base. Now she is a full time pitcher only.

Her current secondary position is designated hitter, when she's not in the circle.
Apr 1, 2010
DD's primary is C. She's been playing 3B as her secondary. Her team just lost its 1B, so she might get some time there.

She's pretty slow for OF or MI, although after speed and agility work last winter, she's gotten faster than she used to be.
Nov 5, 2009
St. Louis MO
DD plays middle infield primarily. This past travel ball season she split time between 2B and CF. In high school, she pitches 30-40% of the time, 2B 40% and the other 20% at SS or 3B due to injuries. She's about 2.8 home to 1st. 16 yo, jr in HS.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Coach: "what position do you play?"

Athlete: "wherever you want me coach"

The more positions she is familiar with, the better off she is
Perfect answer!!!
Every girl should know two positions extremely well and be proficient at all other spots (except for P and C of course)
My dd is primary pitcher and 1B, but can fill in well at 2B and 3B. Not enough ball hawking speed for out field

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