Whats the rule?

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Jun 22, 2008
One base on overthrow from the infield and two bases on overthrow from the outfield. ( assuming all throws went out of play of course)

Not for more than 20 years now, at least not in ASA, NCAA, ISF, NFHS, MLB, MiLB, etc.


Jun 22, 2008
The following are rules:

1) There are 9 players on a softball team.
2) The playing field is divided into the infield and outfield
3) The lines between the bases are 60' apart and when joined they form a "diamond", inside the baseline is known as the infield
Outside the baseline but inside the playing field is called the outfield.
4) Any ball going outside the 1st or 3rd base line is a foul ball
5) An official game is 7 innings

Well, not exactly

1. there can be up to whatever the sanctioning body allows on a team roster. Anywhere from 9-12 (SP) or 8-11 (FP) may start or continue a game
2. The "playing field" is that area inside the fences or boundaries and that is divided into fair or foul.
3. The infield is the areas in fair territory covered by infielders. Infielders are defensive players which covers the areas around 1B, 2B & 3B. The baselines have nothing to do with any of it.
4. Any batted ball touching the ground or anything foreign to the ground on or between the foul lines beyond 1st or 3rd base is a fair ball. Any batted ball that touches any portion of a base in fair territory is a fair ball. Any batted ball which touches or is touched by a player, umpire or any parts of their attached uniform on or over fair territory is a fair ball. Any batted ball which is on or over fair territory when the ball is declared dead, is a fair ball. Most others are foul, but simply being outside a base line does not necessarily make the ball foul
5. Games are scheduled to go 7 innings, but each organization maintains game-ending scenarios should the elements or environment not permit the completion of all 7 innings. In most, if not all, softball rule sets, a game becomes official when 5 innings have been completed, 4.5 if the home team is winning.

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