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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
What do you think about this motion? She
Isn’t throwing her top speed. Never does in practice. Even when we do challenges for
Top speed.She throws harder when we
do competition. She throws even harder in a game.

Her new team mates, she is a
freshman on varsity, couldn’t believe how much harder she threw in Friday’s jamboree. She takes it to another level, a real bull dog in a game. I had to work, so in our first game I’ll gun her.

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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
She looks pretty good, but I couldn't slow it down to look at her mechanics in detail. I have had pitchers who are the same way when it comes to velocity. When we work on velocity in practice they have difficulty reaching the speed they throw in games. Can it just be adrenaline or is there some type of self-organizing going on?
Oct 4, 2018
Always strikes me as a bit odd when their speed is (much) different in practice vs. games. In either direction.

The old saying "practice like you play". I expect my pitchers to throw as hard and focused in practice as they do in a game. Or at least try to.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Always strikes me as a bit odd when their speed is (much) different in practice vs. games. In either direction.

The old saying "practice like you play". I expect my pitchers to throw as hard and focused in practice as they do in a game. Or at least try to.

Yes we try as well. We even do a
Competition who can throw the hardest at the end practice, radar. Smart coach pocket radar. Weather makes a difference
when we start playing. Our game
Wednesday is going to be 50 degrees. Here in the NW speed goes up as it warms
up. When it’s it cold muscles are tense when it’s warm muscles are relaxed and completely warmed up.

Regardless she becomes very competitive
and her adrenaline goes up. She always throws better in game.
Oct 4, 2018
Yes we try as well. We even do a
Competition who can throw the hardest at the end practice, radar. Smart coach pocket radar. Weather makes a difference
when we start playing. Our game
Wednesday is going to be 50 degrees. Here in the NW speed goes up as it warms
up. When it’s it cold muscles are tense when it’s warm muscles are relaxed and completely warmed up.

Regardless she becomes very competitive
and her adrenaline goes up. She always throws better in game.

Well if you had to pick between "better in game" or "better at practice"... :)
Jun 18, 2023
Always strikes me as a bit odd when their speed is (much) different in practice vs. games. In either direction.

The old saying "practice like you play". I expect my pitchers to throw as hard and focused in practice as they do in a game. Or at least try to.

You just can't match the intensity, the adrenaline, the panic/desperation and any other feelings in practice. And arguably if a player was that intense in practice it might be too much.

We just finished basketball here, once of the girls on our team is tiny and we're shooting at 10" hoops (shouldn't be, but save that for DiscussHoops) and basically can't reach the basket in practice but when she gets a chance in games she's able to get it up there.
Oct 4, 2018
You just can't match the intensity, the adrenaline, the panic/desperation and any other feelings in practice. And arguably if a player was that intense in practice it might be too much.

We just finished basketball here, once of the girls on our team is tiny and we're shooting at 10" hoops (shouldn't be, but save that for DiscussHoops) and basically can't reach the basket in practice but when she gets a chance in games she's able to get it up there.

Sure, but many/most pitchers (certainly all I know) pitch very similar in practice and games. At least in terms of speed/spin/location. The game might bring out more toughness or grit. Or might make some cower a bit. Honestly I don't know any pitchers who have the experience like mentioned above.

Lots of pitchers hit PRs for speed in lessons/practice, not games. I think we talk more about "why can't she do that in games?" than "why can't she do that in practice?".
Jun 18, 2023
Sure, but many/most pitchers (certainly all I know) pitch very similar in practice and games. At least in terms of speed/spin/location. The game might bring out more toughness or grit. Or might make some cower a bit. Honestly I don't know any pitchers who have the experience like mentioned above.

Lots of pitchers hit PRs for speed in lessons/practice, not games. I think we talk more about "why can't she do that in games?" than "why can't she do that in practice?".

Maybe we can refer back to the spin/speed thing, but with pitching, practice is often closer to perfect conditions, but also velo is only one aspect of pitching. And you can't really replicate the desperation of say, a 3-1 pitch with the bases loaded, in practice. So how can you tell if a pitcher is performing better in practice vs. games for that stuff? Plus the dirt has been worn down, holes have formed, etc. Even if the umpire was calling the practice, they'd also be subject to different conditions than in a game.

And then there's endurance. Maybe some pitchers do better after they've really warmed up the arm, in a game, blood pumping, versus practice. Or vice-versa. Throwing in a controlled workout with rest and water at regular intervals is different than being 25 pitches deep in the second inning of a 90 degree game.

Basically, I think EVERYONE probably plays better in the game than practice, even if they're able to 'feel good' or hit PRs for speed, in practice. It's apples to oranges. Just simply knowing that it's a game, that it counts, makes it different than practice.
Oct 4, 2018
Yes, they're different. No debating that. Simply that most speed PRs are in lessons (yes, due to ideal conditions, zero pressure, etc.).

You really think everyone does better in games? You haven't seen the girls who do great in practice but can't seem to do it in games? I see that a lot.
Jun 18, 2023
Yes, they're different. No debating that. Simply that most speed PRs are in lessons (yes, due to ideal conditions, zero pressure, etc.).

You really think everyone does better in games? You haven't seen the girls who do great in practice but can't seem to do it in games? I see that a lot.

I'm thinking more established players, and my experience isn't there yet. Learning the speed of the game and being able to execute what you've learned is definitely it's own skill too. But I feel like once you learn that, that's when you can really excel in the game part of it versus just having the raw skills.

But maybe I'm mistaken. It's something I'm looking for this season, hopefully with second year '10u' players, having the confidence and poise to make the plays we practice. I see flashes of it though, in the same manner. SS who fields a ball and gets it to first on a line when in drills it's a rainbow throw that falls short. We had a game end on a play like that last year, we were yelling at her to hold it, limit it to a single and she just uncorked a perfect throw to nail the runner.

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