Violent Collision on Squeeze Play

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Sep 18, 2011
Now after the play, while the catcher is acting out of frustration the runner should just be thankful she was not called for interference, she is on the ground touching the plate, then as the catcher comes forward with the ball to try and make a play at second she begins to stand up then even though the catcher is standing right over her continues to stand up in my opinion the catcher is just saying "hey I'm right here why don't you wait until I'm out of the way and stop trying to knock me over while the ball is still live since you are out of the play"

My thoughts exactly.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
I, too, think the push was out of frustration. The runner stole both 2nd and 3rd on the catcher. Then came home on the suicide squeeze. That is enough to tick off any catcher.

I did hear the runner ended up with 2 stitches on the chin from the initial collision. Both girls play the game all out, which helps explains the play.

I also think a verbal warning/reprimand is all that's needed after the push.
Apr 11, 2012
How come girls are labeled dirty players for this sort of stuff but it is ok for boys in baseball? Girls get into the game, too. It becomes very intense in these type of situations. Nothing serious happening here.
Sep 18, 2011
and for what it's worth I think the initial violent collision at home plate was caused by a weak toss from the pitcher that was up the third base line a bit. I don't think the initial collision was the result of a dirty play by the catcher.
Feb 3, 2011
When the catcher extends her right arm, she's not trying to secure or reach for the ball. She's following through on her shot to the head/helmet area. Catcher may have known the runner had already scored and was out of play, but if the runner knew she was already safe, then she really played up her attempt to get back to home plate.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
When the catcher extends her right arm, she's not trying to secure or reach for the ball. She's following through on her shot to the head/helmet area. Catcher may have known the runner had already scored and was out of play, but if the runner knew she was already safe, then she really played up her attempt to get back to home plate.

No malicious intent IMO with respect to the attempted tag. It's not at all uncommon to see tags at home or on the bases without the ball having been secured because on a bang-bang play you don't have time to catch THEN tag; you need to catch AND tag to have any chance at getting the out.

The one positive reinforcement from this video is that it provides another example of why a catcher should not take off their mask.


Jun 22, 2008
Flying forearm and elbow are a big issue - neither of which appeared to be an attempt at a Tag!

I agree. After the initial attempt, the catcher's right hand had nothing to do with getting that ball. The hit to the head looked intentional to me, but I watched in it slow motion, frame at a time.

Now after the play, while the catcher is acting out of frustration the runner should just be thankful she was not called for interference, she is on the ground touching the plate, then as the catcher comes forward with the ball to try and make a play at second she begins to stand up then even though the catcher is standing right over her continues to stand up in my opinion the catcher is just saying "hey I'm right here why don't you wait until I'm out of the way and stop trying to knock me over while the ball is still live since you are out of the play"

To start, this is obstruction. The runner is going to be safe. The scoring player did not seem to move into the catcher until the ball is away. Then again, slow motion. The extra-curricular activity by the catcher may have gotten her dumped and the "heat of the moment" excuses are weak. Constant excuses for unsportsmanlike acts just does not help the game or teach the players to learn how to control themselves. Then there are the infamous "warnings". Love people who think everything requires a warning first.
Jul 9, 2009
Runner just as well could have been called for interference on the throw.

No, not at all.

Runner was going to do a slide by when throw and catchers positioning kept runner from doing so. If anything this is possible obstruction.

Catcher does need to work on her throws to second.

Edit- Dang, MTR was posting same time I was
Last edited:
Mar 13, 2010
Runner is obstructing the catcher when standing up as she's making the throw. Catcher shouldn't have done the push. Por sportsmanship on both parts.

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