Unsportsmanlike act cause injury/ forfeit

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Jun 24, 2013
Little League.

Runner on Team B scored the go ahead run and the Player threw the ball and hit the Player on Team B. Player that threw the ball was either 9 or 10 and did something really stupid. I am leaning for only a game suspension for them. The mandatory 1 game suspension on applies to the adults not the players so we could let it slide but 1 game seems good because they are only 9 or 10.

Somehow in the mayhem the parent of the injured player ended up on the field so they are suspended a minimum of 1 game too. It is unclear what he was doing on the field.
Feb 3, 2011
Was the girl 'injured'? Or just 'hurt'?

If the latter, you walk it off and get out there in left field so that your team doesn't have to take a forfeit. It's rare to see a baserunner injured in 10u by a thrown ball. Fielders getting hit in the face is different.

By your bad local rule, however, it's a forfeit if that team doesn't send 9 back out.
Jun 20, 2012
Looks like the mother of all clusterf*cks. Some words of advice:
1) Anybody on the decision-making panel who is "friends" with any of the people involved should recuse themselves to avoid the appearance of favoritism.
2) If doing the above leaves your organization without enough people to arrive at a decision, enlist people from other age divisions or even a separate organization.
3) Let that panel make the decision, and then make sure the organization's governing board stands behind it 100%, whether they personally agree with the decision or not.
4) Change the ridiculous player minimum, especially if this is a rec-ball organization. The goal should be to play the game, get game experience for all of the girls, and help them all improve their skills, not fulfill some coach's desire to score quick wins.
Jun 24, 2013
I was not at the game so I am getting the story 2nd hand or from a report. We do not have the umpire’s report yet but should have it today.

One of the sad things was the father of the injured player was in the dugout checking his kid out and then trying to talk them into just going and standing in the OF. They didn’t even need to move, just stand out there. Kid wanted nothing to do with it. It is sad what sports do to some parents.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I think LL lets you play with 8 players-not sure about this age level though..

also, at that age, the girls aren't always clear that you can't throw the ball AT the runner.

In support of the dad - he might've been right. it might not have been that serious and he was trying to teach his girl that sometimes you play through it and you'll be ok.

That minimum player/forfeit rule is ridiculous! LET THE KIDS PLAY!
Jun 20, 2012
That minimum player/forfeit rule is ridiculous! LET THE KIDS PLAY!

We have a league that we interleague with here that pulled this nonsense on a few teams that traveled out to play them at their park for doubleheaders. Some teams were leaving at 7am to arrive by 8am for 9am games only to be told that the games are a forfeit because they only had 8 players and the hosting team didn't want to loan out one of their 13 players. This was rec fall ball. No standings being kept, no tournaments to qualify or get seeded for, just plain ol' fall ball. Nope, they wanted the forfeit. The girls sure learned a lot like that...
May 7, 2008
Morris County, NJ
Player from Team A ejected, coach should have been ejected. Team B can't field enough players so they forfeit (LL has lots of rules - been there done that).

Both teams should be DQ'ed and forfeit - Team A for awful behavior & Team B for a silly local rule which should be amended.

Back when I coached LL we had a local rule on for pitching - so many innings/game/week something. It was a bit more restrictive than LL rules but was meant to protect arms and get lots of kids to pitch - very well meaning.

As it was the end of the season and we all needed to make the LL minimum number of games for All-Star compliance (ah LL and its rules!) my team had to play 2-3 nights in a row as a result of early season rainouts. In the last game of the sequence, my team had played a late night game (7 PM) followed by a noon or 1 PM game the next afternoon. A warm front came in overnight between games making it above 90 degrees, humid and sunny for a 1 PM game. We had tents, hoses, etc trying to keep the kids cool. Our team only had two pitchers both of which had pitched already in this sequence but only one was eligible to pitch in this game due to the local pitching rule. We get 3 or so innings into the game, pitcher is the color of a boiled shrimp - overheated. We tell the other team, we're putting in the other pitcher, this kid is overheated and we won't be responsible for heat stroke. If you want to win by forfeit call the league director later, but we want to finish the game since the idea is for kids to play. We finish the game - I think it was called a tie as the umpires didn't ant the kids to play an extra inning. Yep - the other team called the league director, yep the game was called a forfeit. I can live with that - safety is far more important than winning a game.

There is my one and only forfeit story.

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