Two no shows this morning

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Aug 29, 2011
People are getting worse about not showing up for scheduled lessons. Both girls are long time students. One parent did text, after I got to the field. So, my 9:30 lesson didn't show and the 10:15 cancelled. They both know that I have a 4 yo and I had cancelled her reading program, to do their lessons. I really need to go to a contract.
24 hour cancellation policy or pay for lesson. You can make exceptions if kids get sick which some are wont to do.
Mar 26, 2013
A local hitting instructor has a waiting list of people to see her and it takes a while to work into a standing time. Her policy is no charge if you cancel at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, she tries to fill your spot from the waiting list and charges you if she couldn't. Her policy protects her and also benefits the people on the waiting list.

Note: She very rarely cancels and is forgiving if somethng occasionally comes up outside of your control.
Mar 31, 2014
My dd's pitching coach stays a week ahead and requires a 24hr notice if you can't make the lesson. If you miss three in a row you will have to pay for the lesson on the third miss.
Nov 1, 2008
We have always paid in advance for lessons. We have always had a set day and time. For example, Wednesday at 5:30. The coach always had several others scheduled throughout the evening from probably 4-8 pm I guess. If we needed to change nights or cancel he was accommodating. But basically, we pay for the time slot, not the lesson. You don't come, you're just losing that money. I consider that a fair arraignment for both parties. I never tried to reschedule at the last minute or after the fact because that would be rude. But if she was sick or whatever he would let us move to another night if we could.
Jul 16, 2013
I certainly understand that things happen, but it doesn't take long to send a text. With the amount of technology currently available, you would think they could let you know...
May 7, 2008
The mom of the first girl, will pay me. She pays in advance. But, I do need a contract, to start the new girls on. What is really bad is when they schedule for the first lesson and don't show up. So, I do need to get the payment up front. I am not short on students at all. And having my granddaughter 60 hours a week, limits the times that I am available. Yes, Paypal is a good idea.

I gained a student this Spring, whose dad handed me $500.00 and said just let me know when we have used this.
Aug 1, 2008
Sorry for your pain Amy.
Been lucky, but I give lessons in my pole barn in the backyard. 1 time in the last 5 years, someone did not show up, most times they email me or call.
If they dont come, I am home and have things to do so no big deal.

If I traveled to a spot, used my gas and the student did not show up, man that would get under my skin.
Paying a week in advance would probably be good in your situation.

May 7, 2008
Come on over. And I can sweeten the pot. I have a guest house, commonly called a casita. If you don't mind 2 large dogs and a 4 yo granddaughter, we will play all the softball, that you want.

This morning, I am a happy coach again. One of my beginner 10yo brings her 10yo catcher. I don't charge for the catcher, but her grandpa saw me helping her - and they paid for the next pack of 6 lessons. Yes! Winning!

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