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Jun 9, 2013
We are headed from Maryland to Georgia next week for a showcase/tournament, and were considering taking extra days and planning our drive around schools that DD is interested.

She has writtent to several of the schools regarding the showcase and other things as well.

My question is - would it be better to ask these schools if they are available if we stop by (and can they answer if we ask as they are all D1 schools) or is okay to just show up on campus and look around and hope to bump into someone we can talk to. Or maybe we're just crazy to plan our trip around these schools... who knows.

What have you done? What would you do? Advice/suggestion, ideas?
Feb 15, 2013
I would let these schools know that you are coming to the tournament and stopping on campus. Remember official visits are limited to 5 for D1 so if they invite you that might count as 1 of 5. A D1 coach told me that if they are interested in a player and she is on campus for a stop by visit "unofficial" that there is no way that player would leave campus without talking with the coach. It's a loophole around the official visit rules. If a coach doesn't respond back when you call/write/text or smoke signal it could be because of NCAA rules and not a lack of interest. But i would definately let the schools know when you are stopping by and be pretty exact with the times. Coaches will make time if interested.
Mar 26, 2013
I would let these schools know that you are coming to the tournament and stopping on campus. Remember official visits are limited to 5 for D1 so if they invite you that might count as 1 of 5.
Official (paid) visits are highly regulated and simply being invited to visit falls way short of having it count. First off, official visits can't be taken until the recruit starts classes for their senior year and the school generally pays expenses for the visit. Before an official visit can be made, students need to submit test scores and an academic transcript to the school and there are some additional requirements with the NCAA Eligibility Center.

All visits before their senior year have to be done unofficially. If the school isn't paying expenses, it is normally done as an unofficial (nonpaid) visit.
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Dec 3, 2008
I'd email the coaching staffs (include the assistants) explaining that you are traveling through town on your way to a showcase and will be on campus on DAY and were wondering if anyone would be around who you could come speak with about the softball program. If they respond, great. If not, go visit the campus and drop by anyway. If someone is in the office that day, I'm sure they'll give you a few minutes of their time. And let your daughter be the one who knocks on the door and shakes hands first.
Feb 15, 2013
Official (paid) visits are highly regulated and simply being invited to visit falls way short of having it count. First off, official visits can't be taken until the recruit starts classes for their senior year and the school generally pays expenses for the visit. Before an official visit can be made, students need to submit test scores and an academic transcript to the school and there are some additional requirements with the NCAA Eligibility Center.

All visits before their senior year have to be done unofficially. If the school isn't paying expenses, it is normally done as an unofficial (nonpaid) visit.


Thank you for the info. Still learning this portion of the exact science of how it all works.
Jun 9, 2013
Thanks so much for all of the information. I think we have planned our itinerary. She has written to all of the schools that we plan on stopping by, and the tournament schedule became available today, so she will be writing again with the tournament schedule, and days with time frames that we plan on being on each campus.

The information you guys have is awesome, and much appreciated... She is our youngest of 4, but the only one involved with something like that, and the desire to do it, so while, as parents, we have the college experience, it's not even close to these depths. What a journey and process this is... and she's only about to start high school, so i can imagine it's only really getting started.

Thanks again for everything
Jun 9, 2013
So, I have run into another question. My daughter received an email from a coach about meeting her in person campus (it's D3, not 100% sure that's what she wants, but an excellent school, and she's still young). Question is - what should she wear? something casual dressy? or just be herself in athletic apparel?

Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
So, I have run into another question. My daughter received an email from a coach about meeting her in person campus (it's D3, not 100% sure that's what she wants, but an excellent school, and she's still young). Question is - what should she wear? something casual dressy? or just be herself in athletic apparel?


He is expecting to meet a PSA so she should just be herself. Expect to do some walking so wear proper shoes, no sandals or flip flops. She is selling herself to the coach so the idea is for her to get the coach to mentally picture her playing for the program. Likewise he is doing the same so dress the part.

No offense intended but I found it is best for parents to play the role of a young child of yesteryear, only speak unless spoken to and let your DD do the talking.
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