Timing is Timing ~ It takes training

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Jan 20, 2023
The goal of teaching this is to get to a floating forward, fully stretched position before pitch release ON EVERY PITCH. If they can do that, bombs are coming!! But the first step is to get comfortable with the foot up early. Progress from there once they are proficient with that. Give the “Go” command in front toss also!

Do you advice on the opposite? My daughter hits very consistent at 60 but at 50 will sometimes drop her hands and pop up. She says at 60 she doesn’t have time to drop her hands. That’s why we’ve been messing around with different speeds.

There was the most beautiful wait on a change up and rail it I’ve ever seen from a batter on the other team. It was beautiful.
Aug 20, 2017
Do you advice on the opposite? My daughter hits very consistent at 60 but at 50 will sometimes drop her hands and pop up. She says at 60 she doesn’t have time to drop her hands. That’s why we’ve been messing around with different speeds.

There was the most beautiful wait on a change up and rail it I’ve ever seen from a batter on the other team. It was beautiful.
She needs to change her approach against slower pitching. The adjustment is to think hit the ball oppo. Almost like a two strike approach. This will allow her to wait a tick longer. The pop up is caused by contact being too far out front. Thinking hitting it oppo doesn’t mean she will hit oppo. But it will help her allow the ball to get a little deeper in the zone
Apr 20, 2018
Do you advice on the opposite? My daughter hits very consistent at 60 but at 50 will sometimes drop her hands and pop up. She says at 60 she doesn’t have time to drop her hands. That’s why we’ve been messing around with different speeds.

There was the most beautiful wait on a change up and rail it I’ve ever seen from a batter on the other team. It was beautiful.
Turn the machine up as fast as it will go. Just have her get in the box and pick her foot up and load. Turn it down to 65 and have her bunt. When you turn down to 60 it will seem very hitable.
If she struggles with 50, Turn it down to 40 and have her bunt. Turn it up to 50 and have her hit.

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