The move up which direction to go

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Jun 19, 2012
My DD is going from 10u to 12u moving her up this fall though she could play through the fall at 10u but hoping to get a jump on things.

Lets see she has a very good bat for 10u probably the hardest hitter on her team now. Glove mechanics are good not great but good. She plays 1st and outfield also wants to start catching (this will be an at home project for now).

Team A: Talented girls on the team most with a summer of 12u under thier belt. This could potentially lead to less playing time but be around better talent to push her to get better.

Team B: Not as talented girls on the team but would definitely be more playing time unsure of how much she would be pushed to get better.

Both teams are a close drive and she likes both teams so thats not a factor. Just keep fighting the pros and cons in my head.
Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Any advice
May 24, 2013
So Cal
IMO, it would largely depend on the personality of your DD. My DD gets lots of "push" from her own desire to improve her game and from our work outside the team. For my DD, I would opt for playing time unless Team B was significantly below her talent level.
As long as she is not clearly one of the top two or three players on Team B, I'd opt for the PT it provides.

If she is a top player on Team B, then I'd have to suggest Team A if she wants to be pushed.

Probably at 12U more than any other age, I've seen good players go to crappy teams and really not get much better, while I've seen lesser players go to good teams and improve dramatically, even to the point of passing up those players who were better than them before.

Regardless of the situation, I always say you should go with the team that has the best coaching. It is pretty easy to ask around and find out which coaches have the best reputation for developing players, which is all you should be concerned about at first-year 12U.
Dec 7, 2011
IMO, it would largely depend on the personality of your DD. My DD gets lots of "push" from her own desire to improve her game and from our work outside the team. For my DD, I would opt for playing time unless Team B was significantly below her talent level.

Agree with this completely ^^^^^^

If she is one of those rare personalities that looks at senior players with more experience and age and gets all fired up about obtaining their level without any self-doubt then go after team A. Otherwise playing time is too critical and go for that.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
If in the spring your DD will be on a 12u team because of age then, that is the way to go JMHO. To me that is what 'fall ball' is for. Good to find out what your DD's plus or minuses are and what to focus working on. again JMHO.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
At 12YOA, I would go for playing time, unless the B team has terrible coaches.

In order for a kid to be "good" at this sport (or any sport) is that she has to love the game. The only way to love the game is to *play* the game.

If I were you, I would put her on the B team and also work with her to make the best player on the team.

If she were older (14YOA or so), I probably would recommend going with Team A. At that age, it is time for the child to either "fish or cut bait". But, 12YOA...let her play and have fun.


Feb 20, 2012
I am a supporter of the philosophy to get on the best team you can while still being in the starting 9. Playing time is important and also keeps the girls motivated - especially in the younger age groups. That said, I would also try to avoid a team where your DD would be competing for playing time at her primary position with the head coaches DD.
Jan 16, 2013
Just made the move from a talented team where DD was lucky to throw a couple innings per tournament to a less talented team where she is now the #1 pitcher. We learned the lesson that no matter how good DD was, she would never get fair time over coaches daughter. This is 12 going up to 14u. At this age playing time especially time in the circle far outweights the need to win every game.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Probably at 12U more than any other age, I've seen good players go to crappy teams and really not get much better, while I've seen lesser players go to good teams and improve dramatically, even to the point of passing up those players who were better than them before.

Depends on how crappy the team is, IMO. If they're so bad that they have to play in crappy tournaments just to win games, then it's a detriment. You need to be playing fairly good competition, and you need good coaching.

But if you get those things at this age (12U/10U), then there are benefits to playing on a lesser team if it means batting higher, playing a position that develops your defensive skills quicker (SS vs. RF). I coached teams through 10U and 12U that went from C+ to A-, and the best 3-4 players off those teams, now in 16U, can play with anybody. Being big fish in their ponds I think made them enjoy softball more and think of themselves as very good players, and they still carry that attitude. They were better than the low-end players on A-level teams then, and they still are. I don't think playing for better teams would've helped them. But then again, we weren't ''crappy''. We were just kinda mediocre, and slowly improving, and we were playing a pretty tough schedule by the end.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
I agree with Ray.

This is 12U the best way to improve is playing time. It is no fun
for an 11 yo to watch her team win from the dugout. Win or lose, it is
best to be on the field. There is much fundamental teaching left to do
at 12U, and these fundamentals will only get better with game reps.

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