The DVR might be the death of me.

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Jan 17, 2013
Right now I have every college softball game airing on ESPN U and FOX Southwest set to record. Then I find the time to sit down and watch a game or wake up and put one on while still in bed Sunday mornings before church. Anyhow, got in bed last night and started watching Alabama - Mississippi State around 10pm. Usually I will watch a couple of innings then go to sleep. What and awesome game, not only did i have to stay up and watch the entire game but I was so pumped up that It took me forever to fall asleep. Mississippi State did a great job of hanging with Alabama. MS's coach was even fun to watch between her excitement and her signs. Fun game.
Apr 1, 2010
I hear ya! These games are filling up all the available space on my tivo. I try to get them watched so I can delete them, but there's never enough time and more keep coming in... In a few months, it will all be over and I'll wish I had had the disk space to save more of them.

I really like the MS state coach--you can see that she has so much enthusiasm for the game!
Feb 22, 2013
The softball games on ESPN are taking up all of my dvr space also. What great teaching tools though. The other night I was watching the North Caroline - Georgia Tech game and there was a play at home plate. The catcher was blocking the plate and the runner slid into home on a bang-bang play on a throw from right field. The catcher dropped the ball and was laying on top of the North Carolina girl who was about a foot away from home plate and kicking her leg to try to touch home plate. The 1st BU that was covering the plate, on the umpire rotation, rang the North Carolina girl up. After the coaches and umpires had a discussion, the runner was declared safe do to the dropped ball.

My daughter has watched the play about 15 times. She loves the play because the base runner never gave up. In the same game, a runner from 3rd slid into home away from the catcher after the 3rd baseman looked her back and threw to 1st. The slide was perfect, away from the catcher and away from home, but her left hand swiped home plate. The PU rang her up, but the slow motion showed there was no tag. My dd has watched that slide every day about 5 times. I'm sure the first chance she gets to try this slide she will. Those recorded games help my dd study the faster college game.
May 10, 2010
We also dvr the games. I love watching them. But I have a complaint and do not know how to fix it. When the games are close and go longer than the allotted time we do not get the ending. Really frustrating watching a great game and not get the end.
Oct 4, 2011
Ha ha!! Ditto. My daughter (15 in just a few months) has actually started watching them with me. It's like having a cat - just let them come on up and snuggle but don't make a huge issue out of it. She'll comment on a play or complain about a call and I have to remind myself to just say "yeah". :)
We also dvr the games. I love watching them. But I have a complaint and do not know how to fix it. When the games are close and go longer than the allotted time we do not get the ending. Really frustrating watching a great game and not get the end.

You have to go and expand the recording and add the extra 60 minutes--to every game!

Or just record what is coming on right after it..

When the WCWS starts for sure add and extra hour or two because they dont always start on time.
Apr 1, 2010
We also dvr the games. I love watching them. But I have a complaint and do not know how to fix it. When the games are close and go longer than the allotted time we do not get the ending. Really frustrating watching a great game and not get the end.

Yes, I HATE that! I routinely add an extra hour to the recording time and sometimes that's still not enough. I watched a recording of a UCLA/Arizona game the other day, where on a whim, I had added an extra hour and a half. Thank goodness! There was a walkoff home run in the 10th. The game ended with only a few minutes left to spare in the recording. The rebroadcasts are safer, because they will end on time, but they stink, because the editors will just blindly cut out huge swaths of the game.

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