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Jun 24, 2013
We try to avoid "heavy" foods before a tournament game, usually hitting Subway. After the tournament games for that day, it is open season.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I would have never made it as a girl, they have too much pressure to be thin. Back in my HS days I'm guessing that I would consume 8000 calories a day, if not more.

Mom made a big breakfast every morning.
If I ate the school lunches, I'd eat at least 2 of them and sometimes 3.
If I brought my lunch it was in a Jethro size container and Jethro portions.
After school had a routine. If we had powerlifting, conditioning, or ball practice...........I had a female friend who worked at Subway and she would hook me up with a MONSTER SUB. Triple meat and cheese baby!! Also had another friend who worked at Little Ceasars Pizza and she would "doctor" us up a man size pizza, if I had a buddy tag along. ( both had the friend discount :) )
To wash the after school meal down was a 1500 calorie protein shake.
After conditioning ( etc ) I'd be starving again, usually ate supper at home.
Religiously had a bowl of ice cream before bed.

Now game days I'd eat a little bit lighter for my pre-game meal, my favorite was peanut butter and banana sandwiches. The bananas gave me a quick boost and the peanut butter stuck to my ribs for long term energy.

I recently turned 40, I sure wish I could eat like I was 20 again and it not go straight to my stomach.
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Nov 26, 2010
On one hand its a good habit to eat only when you are hungry and not just because the clock says its time to eat. On the other hand the kids need to know that if they wait until they are hungry and they are now in the middle of a match or game its too late.

We struggle with my dd and food. Because of celiac disease she cannot eat most of the food in school, so every day she brings a lunch. If she has a late practice or a late game she packs 2 lunches. If its just a practice right after school she may or may not bring a snack.
Add onto that the type 1 diabetes and the requirements that go along with that and its a constant thing in our lives. "have you eaten?" "do you want a snack?" "do you have something for later?" ...
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I know what you mean CB, school lunches now suck!!

We had a cafeteria style school lunch. Everyday was pizza, cheeseburgers, hotdogs, hash browns, French fries, cobbler, Mac n cheese, etc. You could build your own "tray" a le carte, or they had a "meal of the day"..........chili, spaghetti, casarole, chicken and dressing, etc.

I went to lunch several times every year DD was in school, and slowly watched the choices of food go to the crapper.
Oct 7, 2009
On the other hand, I see these girls at tournaments carrying around fries and corn dogs between games on 90+ degree days and wonder how they don't throw up on the field.
Jun 2, 2012
My dd has had problems with dehydration at softball tournaments. He to go to hospital durning one of them. After that I started to learn about hydration and also nutrition. Have been reading a program that talk exactly about your situation. The program talks about breakfast then what to eat for snack at school then lunch. And than what to eat before practice after school. I enjoyed reading it and even my dd has been reading it. It is called the teen sports nutrition blueprint. The author was a trainer for the ny mets. The reading is not boring with all scientific stuff.
Aug 14, 2011
My DD just recently had an experience similar at college. Last weekend she went out to "practice" for her fitness test. She had been doing double her fitness test here at home all summer and was expecting to nail it. After practice she had gotten too little sleep the night before and had eaten breakfast at 11 in the morning. This is now 4 o'clock in the afternoon, she hadn't eaten any type of decent Food for five hours. She calls me quite upset because she hadn't been able to finish even three reps of her fitness test, where she had been doing six all through the summer. After talking to her about what was going on, I realized the problem: she had just run out of gas. Her trainer from home gave her a call and talk to her about the importance of good nutrition and sleep on athletic performance. He pointed out that considering what she had done during that day to "prepare" prior to her practice fitness test, he would never have expected her to succeed under the circumstances. He also stressed to her the importance of both protein and carbs before competing athletically. You have to have the energy.
I would venture to guess that in addition to the heat and the lack of food, your golfers were probably also dealing with some sleep deprivation. Our kids these days have so many activities going on, plus their schoolwork, I don't think they ever get a decent night's sleep. And that is really important for their performance not only on the ballfields, but in the classrooms.
My DD into that taking better care of herself at the beginning of last week, and of course she passed her fitness test when I have it. But she learned is early and quick valuable lesson – Rest, food and hydration.
Apr 1, 2010
GD, nice post. These new portions we now are mandated to serve in school cafeterias is pathetic. I can't tell you the number of football players that complain that they can't make it through practice. Per girl's in general and the girls on my team, I don't know how they do it on what they eat. I asked mine last night to please bring grapes, carrots, ... anything to get food in their stomach. When my dd played HS softball, we finally found that she would eat the cheese and crackers we fixed and a snackable once in a while.

The reason for this thread is that I just don't know how many parents take the time to talk to their children about what they are eating. I believe many think that they are eating the school lunch and so, everything is good. Spaghetti was once a very popular meal at our school. Not any more. Anyone thinking that their kid is eating the spaghetti might want to make sure. Now, the pasta is made of whatever (I really don't know) and it is dark and somewhat brown. Few of the kids in my school will eat it. Well, I could go on and on. Again, please talk to your dds and make sure that before they participate in sports that they have taken the time to eat right.

Yes!! My kid is NOT a fussy eater and she used to be fine with the school lunches in grade school. From talking to her, she hardly eats any of the school lunches anymore. Now the pasta (and pizzas too?) are made with whole grain (aka the weird brown stuff) and apparently have basically the taste and consistency of cardboard. It makes me angry that we're being charged the full price for these meals and our kids are going hungry.

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