Team Selection

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Jul 3, 2024
Coming up on the off season we are considering whether to stay with the current team moving to 14u. My DD is a pitcher and her pitching is significantly above the skill set of the team. The team really can’t compete against most teams without her pitching and I think she would benefit having a supporting cast around her to push her and continue her growth, but she is currently continuing to improve. The practices aren’t the best but she does a lot of work outside of them. She has very close relationships with all the girls and there is zero drama. She’s obviously getting plenty of time in game currently. My question is does it matter if the team isn’t great? I don’t know how the showcase process works in softball and find myself taking advice from people who also likely don’t know that tell me if she’s not on a good team no one will see her. Is there any harm in giving the team another year to grow or making a move prior to second year 14u rather than now?

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Sep 19, 2018
There is a lot to be said for close relationships and drama free ball. It is rare for college coaches to just find someone. You will need to build that relationship. It is first year 14u, don’t sweat college coaches yet.

My question is competition level. Is the coach choosing lower level tournaments so the rest of the team can compete? Does this leave her under challenged? Or is coach choosing quality tournaments that challenge her and the rest of the team get dominated?

I know everyone is different but if she is happy, challenged and continuing to grow and get better, I don’t see the need to make a change in 1st year 14u.
Jul 3, 2024
There is a lot to be said for close relationships and drama free ball. It is rare for college coaches to just find someone. You will need to build that relationship. It is first year 14u, don’t sweat college coaches yet.

My question is competition level. Is the coach choosing lower level tournaments so the rest of the team can compete? Does this leave her under challenged? Or is coach choosing quality tournaments that challenge her and the rest of the team get dominated?

I know everyone is different but if she is happy, challenged and continuing to grow and get better, I don’t see the need to make a change in 1st year 14u.

We play decent competition. Not PGF level but also not TopGun, and she typically pitches the most challenging game. Assuming she’s pitching we seldom get dominated, most games are lost 1-0, 3-0, or something respectable.

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Mar 8, 2016
What is your dd's goal? Does she want to play in college? I realize at her age, that may change. Lots of playing time and drama free are worth a lot. At 14u, the divide really starts between the girls that are putting in extra time and those that just show up at games and practice. It is helpful to surround your dd with girls with a like mindset of extra work. If your dd does want to play in college, she needs to be playing competitive softball both in games and being in competition with her teammates for playing time. College benches are full of players that were the best player on their hs and travel team but never really had to compete for playing. For 80% of college players, they will have to compete for playing time. The good news is that your dd is young and you have plenty of time. You also do not have to play on a national team and spend 1000s of dollars unless you are looking to play P5 D1 softball.

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Jun 4, 2024
I don’t know how the showcase process works in softball and find myself taking advice from people who also likely don’t know
Applaud you paying attention and recognizing that predicament.
Good to see people seeking out knowledge to help the growth of their softball journey!

that tell me if she’s not on a good team no one will see her. Is there any harm in giving the team another year to grow or making a move prior to second year 14u rather than now?
It is hard to make a decision for what team is best for other people.
Type of team can make a difference because some teams have a more developmental goal.... better coaching, better schedule, better knowledge of the road ahead with more like-minded players. Aka~dedication level.

Suggestion on approach to your considering another team.
Decide what your softball goals are.
Because if softball is the priority that may mean leaving others behind who do not have the same goals. Friends and the other stuff can still happen it just may not be at the same competitive level of the team you're currently on.
Dec 2, 2013
Play out another season, but start watching other teams. Find out which tournaments they are playing and plan to play. Don't go to one Hittin' Kitten team to another Hittin' Kitten team. Talk to other parents. If your DD is as good as you say she is, you will have other parents trying to recruit her. Once you see a couple of teams that you feel will be a good fit, get in touch with those coaches. Have those coaches watch your DD pitch or go to a private tryout before tryout season. It's a natural progression and don't feel bad about leaving the current team if it's necessary for your DD's growth.
Jun 29, 2023
I don't know if your daughter is going into 8th grade and I don't know if she plans on hitting in high school. But My daughter was in a similar situation last year. She is now going into her freshman year and working out with the high school team. The younger girls who have never played the higer level ball have no chance against the pitchers that are throwing 60ish in practice mainly because it's something they have never seen that speed.
Jul 3, 2024
Play out another season, but start watching other teams. Find out which tournaments they are playing and plan to play. Don't go to one Hittin' Kitten team to another Hittin' Kitten team. Talk to other parents. If your DD is as good as you say she is, you will have other parents trying to recruit her. Once you see a couple of teams that you feel will be a good fit, get in touch with those coaches. Have those coaches watch your DD pitch or go to a private tryout before tryout season. It's a natural progression and don't feel bad about leaving the current team if it's necessary for your DD's growth.

I feel like I’m at that point, she has enough exposure in the area where any local or regional team within an hour would or has offered her without tryout necessary. I’ve been speaking to 3 coaches now that the season is over. Two are regional teams with at least one other pitcher that is comparable to my DD and are more competitive. One plays a more national schedule but I’m not sure mentally to not be able to consistently practice or socialize with the other girls. I could put in another year here and see if she is ready for the jump to the national level.

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Jun 4, 2024
I feel like I’m at that point, she has enough exposure in the area where any local or regional team within an hour would or has offered her without tryout necessary. I’ve been speaking to 3 coaches now that the season is over. Two are regional teams with at least one other pitcher that is comparable to my DD and are more competitive. One plays a more national schedule but I’m not sure mentally to not be able to consistently practice or socialize with the other girls. I could put in another year here and see if she is ready for the jump to the national level.

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You will never know what can be accomplished until you try.
In 14u the gap of talent grows greater.

If you are in a situation where you would like to sample the waters so to speak then perhaps you need to go to some of those tryouts or practices as a guest to experience how the difference may or may not make an impact for your daughter. If your current coaches are people you can share the Dilemma you're in with then you might share that with them otherwise it may be unnecessary unless you feel as though you're going to burn a bridge. But if you do not expose your daughter to what could be better for her you will never know what you are missing by waiting.

From what you have written it says to me, you recognize it is time to step forward to these other things you are connecting with.
Have to go check it out to get a better impression instead of just thinking about it.
It doesn't mean you are making a formal commitment to it when you are just going to do a look see. This has helped many people take that two steps forward you are trying to figure out.
Jun 11, 2020
Coming up on the off season we are considering whether to stay with the current team moving to 14u. My DD is a pitcher and her pitching is significantly above the skill set of the team. The team really can’t compete against most teams without her pitching and I think she would benefit having a supporting cast around her to push her and continue her growth, but she is currently continuing to improve. The practices aren’t the best but she does a lot of work outside of them. She has very close relationships with all the girls and there is zero drama. She’s obviously getting plenty of time in game currently. My question is does it matter if the team isn’t great? I don’t know how the showcase process works in softball and find myself taking advice from people who also likely don’t know that tell me if she’s not on a good team no one will see her. Is there any harm in giving the team another year to grow or making a move prior to second year 14u rather than now?

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Be careful with a "national" caliber team that is just grabbing fees and overloading rosters with 20+ kids.

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