tagging up from third base???????

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May 27, 2013
The one scenario that does have me thinking is the fly ball to left field. I can't imagine having the runner viewing center or right field would affect the time that much, but I could understand a bit more lag if the runner is trying to watch a ball hit to left field.

And that's exactly what I was thinking about when I posted what I did. Ball hit to CF/RF - yes, BR on 3rd can figure it out; however, ball hit behind them into LF, I'd want them ready to take off in a moment's notice and not turned watching the ball.
May 27, 2013
What if 3rd baseman says GO and the runner jumps or leaves early.

I really don't see this being an issue, but if there is a concern, I'm sure the coaches can come up with a signal or other word other than "Go!"
May 7, 2008
If the runner can't tell me from the 3rd baseman, then that is pretty bad. For instance, I would be talking the whole time. "Back. Tag up. Wait for my call. Go in sliding." (Or whatever.)
Mar 3, 2013
There's a lot of powertripping daddycoaches out there who like to be in control. Can't blame them I guess, life is too short to let a 12 year old be in control of her own destiny. It isn't faster though, if that's what you're asking.


NO JACK! No Daddy ball here. Its not faster. Try it and give me your numbers. I would like to compare it to mine. I guess that you let your team bunt when they want or steal when they want or just call all the plays. I was just asking a opinion and didnt want your S A com about letting a 12 yr be in control!

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