Some umps are just awesome

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Wanted to start a thread that is the opposite of a couple I have started and participated in recently.

Sunday we had a huge rivalry game at the latter end of a double elimination weekend for a travel league we have been playing in. The UIC to his credit brought in an umpiring crew that was set to do the HS division championship game later that day for the game (this is 12U).

I have seen this crew do high school games, college games, older travel games and on one lucky weekend we had them do some 10U games. I saw them walking towards our game, looked at the other coaches and said "These are the best umpires in the area. This is going to be great."

They were truly unbelievably good. Great well defined and consistent zone, clear calls, handled a disputed call with professionalism and respect, understood all the rules, had a great pre-game conference, just emanated confidence that they knew what they were doing and how they were doing it - everything you could want from a crew.

They acted like they were thrilled to be there (because they genuinely were) from the time they stepped on to the field and treated the game in the same way they would treat a varsity HS game or a college game they were officiating. When I went over to say hello, they both knew my name, remembered from basically that ONE weekend and said "I am glad your team is aging up so we can see more of you and your team" and then said something very similar to the opposing coach who he knew much better than he knew me (opposing coach had older daughters already in HS).

It was a great game from start to finish - we grinded our way to a 3-2 win.

Professionals through and through and clearly they both work on their umpiring the way players work on their games.
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Jun 22, 2008
They should get a nod just for making themselves available to do the game. Some umpires rise through the ranks and forget how they got there. Many an umpire believe youth ball is beneath the skill level they bring to the game and that is a shame because it is often just the opposite.

Working 16U/18U isn't that difficult when it comes to the execution of the plays as by this age level, these players have a good idea what to do with the ball. But at the 10U/12U level, if something strange or out of the ordinary can happen, that is often the level where it will occur.

This is where you need that knowledgeable umpire who not only knows the rules, but can appreciate the level of play and still be firm enough to know how to handle some of the less-knowledgeable daddy coaches.

I think you are lucky to have umpires and a UIC which seem to understand the importance of all games.
Dec 7, 2011
General guideline - Whenever you don't realize the umpires are even there during the game this is the time to run up to them and hug them after the game!
Sep 24, 2013
I have several umpire crews in my region that the girls love. They encourage the girls to approcah them, are very consistent (which we all love), and make a point to get to know the players. It makes for a very relaxed atmosphere which they thrive in.
Mar 2, 2013
General guideline - Whenever you don't realize the umpires are even there during the game this is the time to run up to them and hug them after the game!

A lot of people believe, "You know the umpires did a good job if you don't remember them." I don't believe in this rubbish. If the game is over and you don't remember anything about the umpires, that usually means it was an uneventful game, not that the umpires necessarily did a good job.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
Great to hear about a good Umpire experience. I am sure we have all had some.

I always like it when they have something good to say about our team after a game. A few times this year the plate ump will come by after the game and compliment DD on her pitching. That is always a good thing !
Nov 1, 2013
Good to MTR stated, "16U and 18U are the easiest to work"...the players generally do what they are suppose to do. 12U and younger age grouping get most of the "strange" stuff and it is where the newer or less experienced umpires are learning the craft. Sometimes a rough situation.

To be honest, doing the younger age groups can be "dangerous" at times. Catchers that are having issues handling the pitchers (I believe my shins have had more than their share of hits) as well as learning how to shed their masks without knocking the umpire out...bats are still being thrown by the batters....yes, it can be a scary place working those divisions.

While a majority of my work is 16U and up....a few 12U games will humble the even the best umpire. So good for that umpire crew...great for the players, coaches and parents to appreciate that special experience.
Jun 11, 2013
We play 12U and while we've had our fair share of bad umps, we have also had a bunch that were great. One tournament director almost always has a good consistent crew who call a fair strike zone and treat our team with respect. They often come up after the games and tell our players if they did something well.


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
They should get a nod just for making themselves available to do the game. Some umpires rise through the ranks and forget how they got there.

My perspective is that the weirdest situations seem to happen in 10U and 12U. I see so few trick plays, manipulation of rules to a longest possible stretch and all around odd situations happen in older ages. I have found it is the exception to the rule that an experienced, confident, knowledgeable Ump who wants to be on the field are in these ages. That said, I have recently encountered a crew that I LOVED! We see some and it is great when play with them on the field again. But this crew was interesting. The Field Ump we knew. He is great. Calm, Reasonable, Patient and works to get it right. The plate umpire we had never worked with before. But from the moment we approached the plate meeting he took control (in a respectful way), he commanded respect, he knew the rules, he addressed things very matter of fact, he DID NOT SPEAK with us coaches outside of situations needed in the game and he always did things to ensure you felt he was concerned about the safe play of my girls. I could not have asked for a better crew.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
A lot of people believe, "You know the umpires did a good job if you don't remember them." I don't believe in this rubbish. If the game is over and you don't remember anything about the umpires, that usually means it was an uneventful game, not that the umpires necessarily did a good job.

All I can say to this post is "wow".

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