Softball Dads, which one are you?

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Dec 19, 2012
I'm the IT'S NEVER GOOD ENOUGH DAD. My dd thinks I'm crazy. I want her to strive for perfection. My dd always gives everything she has. She puts it all out on the field. She's not the strongest or fastest, but her softball IQ is way up there.....and for these reasons I am also a HUGE #9, and I let her know it every day.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Have to say this. DD is playing this past weekend. There is a dad in the stands coaching his dd on every pitch while she is hitting. Oh, he knows the strike zone and the umps, are idiots. He tells them that every time his dd takes a strike. He tells her finish high but swing level. He told her drive the ball but beware of the change. He stormed out of the seating area three or four times when she made an out. He is constantly drawing attention to himself and it is impossible for his dd to avoid a conversation with him when she is on deck. It was most bizarre to watch! For a college game, I have never seen this type of behavior. For our team, my dd would be benched. However, all of the parents look at him and act like his is the most knowledgeable guy in the stands. They want conformation when their child strikes out that the umps are idiots. It was comical to take all of that in. Naturally, when the game was over, this dad had to shout out that no team can beat 11 on the field. Pure class.
Dec 7, 2011
A complete 8.
Years have been taken off my expected life span since my blood pressure and emotions have orbited to Pluto and back around the fiery sun a few hundred times - and we aint done yet......
Jun 11, 2013
At the end of the day it doesn't matter which number you are. It matters that your are any one of them. In TB I see almost every single parent that loves to watch their kids play. They pay for equipment, tourney fees, lessons,etc and spend time showing their kids they are important to them. I know me and DD aren't as close as we were when she was 10, but we still have some nice rides to tournaments that I get her all to myself. I know that the world will someday have another great adult when her time comes.


witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
There needs to be a number 10 Dad (or Mom) that despite going to 100's of games still has no idea of what is going on. They can't understand that who you play can make a difference. Why did we only score 2 runs when we got 12 in the first game. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that team one was a rec team and team 2 is a 2nd year team going to nationals? They use terms like points and refs. Argue that you don't get first if ball bounces. And for some reason when they yell "Run" or "Throw" it rises above all other noise at the game.

The guy with the cooler full of beer is always welcome.

I'm super suspicious that this #10 and/or #11 chap just *might* be me (the Mom) who is trying SO hard to learn the game, but busy saying really dumb things or not following (I would NEVER argue though, I know my limitations!). Yep, my username totally checks out! I'm also the one, at the end of the game, asking, "What was the score?" I'm sorry in advance, if you're sitting by me. I usually try to make up for my lack of knowledge with an abundance of cupcakes, bottled water, and suncreen on hand. And I always have a pen when coaches need one, so there's that.

Oh and as for the beer? Well . . . Maybe redemption can be found in the smallest of ways. I have been known to enjoy a frosty adult beverage on occasion, or perhaps to accidentally have some stowed away in my cooler. I will copy a post I put on FB last week:

"DD is really excited about her first games with a new team this weekend. She was telling us the times and plans this morning, and hollered from her room, "We're meeting at 7:40 at the gate to help bring in the beer." I got excited, too - and said, "Wow this tournament should be really fun!"
DH rolled his eyes over at me, took a sip of his coffee, and said, "Gear, you alcoholic. The kid said GEAR." Oh. Well, will still be fun."
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Feb 15, 2013
I am #6 sorta. I have the RV at the field for the girls but mainly for my son who wants nothing to do with being outside 13 weekends a year watching softball. Definitely 9, I am being less of a 2 than I used to be, 8 but my DD is a catcher, 7 when asked and #10 the dad who coached his DD for 2 years and then when it was time to leave the organization started looking for chairs that were rated the most comfortable only to find out the new organization wanted him to coach also.

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