Side Crunching/Leaning Sideways while Pitching (Posture)

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Jun 18, 2023
I'm glad the ball was soft, but that 0:37 had to sting a little.

Those ones that bounce right in front of the plate are the toughest for me too. It's one of the reasons I want a catcher's mitt. (the other being I keep leaving my glove in the wrong daughter's bag and not having it at practice)

One doesn’t need to rotate the hips or the shoulders. Although many do both on breaking pitches. it helps with spin and release. The drop and curve works well with rotation.

If hip/shoulder rotation was absolutely part of the power or necessary to a ferris wheel arm action, then almost all the pitchers in the WCWS could never throw 70+. There is more rotation in the act of opening then there is in closing.

Of course there is some hip closure against resistance and breaking pitches.

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In fact Taylor Tinsley stops rotation, like stopping the handle of the whip to crack it.

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There are more open styles at the WCWS.

It looks to me like even if they're not "closing" there seems to be some back hip/shoulder forward pressure happening in those gifs? So even if it's not rotating around, it seems like it's coming forward with the ball against resistance of the body to help create that whip?

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