Shameless Brag and Have You Seen It Happen?

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Sep 29, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Most tourneys would not play out this way. That's why I thought it would be a rare occurrence. Most of these formats work out to five or six games for the winner. Is that too many in a day? Weaker teams play three and go home. Some play four. Don't get the money grab comment, but I do understand the concern for the girls. At what point would you pack up and go home? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious.
Apr 1, 2010

I think it is pretty rare for a team that loses its first bracket game (in tournament that isn't very small) to come all the way back to win.

As a comparison DD's team came in second last weekend out of the loser's bracket, but they didn't lose till the second bracket game (to the eventual champs). That seems a LOT easier to achieve than your daughter's team's epic one day battle.
Sep 29, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Thank you all for the congrats. Hey Deep, always enjoy reading about your DD. I guess tourneys are different everywhere, but seems there are more and more one days every year in East TN especially early season. Sounds the same on your side of the state.

MsDinosaur, congrats to your girls too! It is always tough to go into the losers bracket early and fight back. I do believe when it becomes win or go home, more teams than not will start to fold. Yours did not. Be proud.
Jan 17, 2012
Congrats to your girls.

Shameless Brag: My DD's teams have had a habit of dropping the first bracket game in DE just to make it interesting. I keep some BP meds around just in case. They've pulled it off on a few occasions, though over 2 days. They won their berth to ASA Gold nationals last year by coming up thru the loser's bracket. Nothing like the adrenaline kicking in when that "If Necessary" game starts and the opposing bench is starting to look nervous.

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