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Dec 2, 2013
At what age should our DD's consider taking the SAT/ACT tests? Do we let her take it early to set a baseline and take it again every year? Or is it best to wait until her Junior Year?


Feb 20, 2012
Your DD can take the tests multiple times and some schools will "super score", so there is no penalty for taking it early. I would recommend you start in 10th grade, especially if your DD has aspirations of playing college softball. A good test score will catch the eye of coaches of schools with high academic standards, and if she does not perform well it will show you areas that need improvement.
May 23, 2010
For most kids, taking the tests lots of times - starting in 9th and taking it every year - is probably not harmful. However, if your kiddo has her eye on Ivy League schools or equivalent, and she won't necessarily be a recruited athlete at such a school, taking the SAT or ACT a lot of times can hurt her chances. The unwritten rule is no more than three tries each at the SAT/ACT, or it looks like one of your ECs is standardized test taking.

If she is in 9th grade this year, is she signed up for the PSAT? A few years back, our district starting paying for all 9th, 10th and 11th graders to take the PSAT. Even if your school doesn't do this, the PSAT fee is nominal (less than $20). If they are giving the PSAT at your HS, ask for your kiddo to be signed up as a 9th grader. Colleges never see the PSAT results. Also, if she is scoring in the National Merit range, she will know what to expect when she takes the PSAT in 11th grade (when it counts for NMSF/NMF).

While I would sign up for the PSAT this fall, I would avoid the SAT this school year. The SAT format will change with the March 2016 SAT. College Board will withhold the March 2016 scores until after the May 2016 SAT tests are in, at which time it seems they will use the March & May 2016 results to norm the new SAT. Note that the PSAT this fall will be in the new SAT format, so it may provide a good preview of the new SAT material.

We are not in an ACT area of the country, but my older two each tried the ACT once. I think that the ACT math may include a few questions through pre-calc, so depending upon what sort of math track your kiddo is on, it may be best to wait a bit.

My eldest took the SAT twice, in January and March of her junior year, and the ACT in April of her junior year. Middle kid took the SAT three times, in March of sophomore year, and in October and March of junior year. ACT was December of junior year.

If your kiddo wants to go to selective schools, also consider the SAT Subject Tests. Most schools do not require them. Some require the SAT plus a couple of Subject Tests or the ACT. A few require Subject Tests, and a very few require specific Subject Tests. And if Subject Tests are highly recommended, but not required, that means they are required (unless your student has some really great hook and the college would accept them regardless).

Probably more of an explanation than you wanted. Good luck in the whole college process - my eldest is now a junior in college and my middle one is a HS senior, so I'm going through the dreaded application process this year.


Jun 8, 2015
Now working on kid #3 going through the process. #1 took SAT's junior year for the first time and struggled with math he had as a 9th grader. Middle DD who is a senior took sophomore year and found the math was easier because she had it either the previous year or that year. The youngest DD will take March of her soph year. Establish a baseline for schools plus some information that is covered is fresher in her mind. So that is when we would recommend it. March of their soph year.

Additionally that is the start of school ball for us here and if their is a weekend practice most coaches wait till after the test to have it so their is no impact on either club or school ball.
Jan 27, 2010
I am a fan of taking it early for a baseline to work from. I also recommend taking it after Geometry and Algebra II have been completed and still fresh. If you can swing test prep and your kid takes it seriously i think that can help as well. I'll let you know in Oct.
May 9, 2014
Umatilla, Florida
My dd took it in 7th grade, it was offered by Duke university talent search. She did really good except in the writing part. I would recommend taking earlier to get an idea of what it's like. Your aloud to throw out any score you don't like

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Oct 31, 2014
Kansas City
PSAT/PACT 9 or 10 grade, baseline test beginning of 11th then prep course and a 2nd try following. If the score is a little shy after the prep course +2nd test, try one more time. Every kid is different, but this has been a formula I've seen a lot of success from.

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