route to college softball

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Dec 20, 2012
It's a big jump. Dd struggled a bit at the plate at first, but did great at the last tournament and in this past weeks showcase. She had to wear a band to show she was 14 and we didn't see any other bands that color. The weird thing is seeing all the girls driving and we've seen many with babies. They also talk a lot about partying and are not always the best influence. Also, some of the girls are beasts! She had a few travel coaches come over after the games and tell her she did a heck of a job, but don't know if any college coaches were interested. She said a few talked to her about their schools though during the clinic.
In the parent meeting they pretty much said what JAD posted on what to do.

I know this has been addressed in another topic, not sure which. Performance in a game is not the end all reason a coach may want a kid. It happens A LOT, a kid has the game of her career in front of several coaches and never a second glance from them. Thn has a so so game in front of different coaches and one or more see ????? Whatever it is they are looking for. I think that they want to see the kids struggle some and how they respond to adversity. They may like her foot work in the field, her swing, etc.... Many of the coaches are arrogant to a point. They think they can take a girl that has an attribute they like and turn her into a stud. That is their mentality and many can do just that. It is not a simple case of who plays best when the coaches are at the game.
Jan 17, 2012
There is no one sure path to playing NCAA ball, but I always felt that camps were an important way to get noticed. DD's college coach came right out and said it in a interview introducing DD's recruiting class: DD made an impression at camps. DD did her homework and understood their program and it showed at camp and paid off. DD also communicated well with coach at camps and via email. That is something that can't be over-emphasized: have your DD communicate with coaches in her own voice about her softball journey. Early on this communication is one-sided and will seem futile, but it can pay off.

That being said, it's also important to be on a team that will play in the tournaments that coaches go to and on a team that will get watched at those tournaments.
Oct 19, 2009
For my DD she had a number of offers form D1 Schools and a number of DII and DIII schools, but none suited her either they were too far away, some not far enough or did not have her line of study she was interested in. The teams had to see her at the exposure tournaments, some were as far away as New York, Oklahoma, Washington, Minnesota some in Alabama and Georgia. Her HS team never made it to the finials and I only saw one college at all the HS games she played in, but the paper made a number of highlight films and posted them on their web sight and DD was a big part of the films.

The school she wanted to go to did not show interested, but she attended a try out and was immediately offered a scholarship and that is where she went.
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Dec 7, 2011
Our instance getting in D1 it was nothing more than a fluke.

We got a loose suggestion for an individual exposure camp that we never heard of.

It was close by so I entered DD.

DD was interested in a few schools at the camp but really was not even aware of the eventual school she is in love with now.

The coach saw DD's efforts (she did put it out there) and it was love at first site after that.

Never saw that coming especially given all the hard work we did for other possible schools.....


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I have been involved on and off with girls at our local high schools and it has been all over the board. Here are some examples from all these HS (which is why you will see positions mentioned more than once)...

1) Senior Pitcher, going to a top DII program. Originally seen at Rising Stars showcase, did a visit and finally got her grades in order
2) Junior Pitcher, has offers from D1 schools, hoping to upgrade offers in showcases. Again Rising Stars and showcases the past two years
3) Senior Pitcher - had a disrupted recruiting due to some personal tragedy. Ended up committing to a mid-major D1 who are frankly get a HUGE steal. Expect this girl to be starting first year and possibly ending up their #1 mid-year
4) Senior Pitcher - showcases in Florida and Georgia mainly - and is going to an Ivy League school as her grades and test scores are off the chart. Interest was raised after a great HS tournament in Orlando earlier this year
-- Note: NONE of these senior here committed until this year and all are going to great schools with excellent softball programs--

5) Senior 2nd base - going to mid-DII program that offers the degree she wants. Committed as a Sophomore. Solid player with a decent bat.
6) Sophomore Catcher & CF - two total stud players who have both been recruited since ASA U14 nationals (on same travel team). Neither have made a commitment though both have verbals from major college programs. Both expect to decide as Juniors and are doing a bunch of unofficial visits over the showcase season. These are probably the only two players who are going to get full ride money.
7) Senior First Base and Third base - had offers from several lower D1 and DIII programs. Have decided they don't want to play college softball and are going to college on academic scholarships. One may try to walk on at the school she choose but is probably not good enough to get any playing time.
8) Sophomore RF/1B/Pitcher - Going to showcases first time this year. In travel she has been playing her age group and hasn't really played up in age. Massively strong girl with a big bat who will likely end up playing 1B in college. Just did her first skills video and made contact with her first set of college coaches.
9) Junior 3rd base - DIII commit to a school with the degree program she wants to attend. Borderline D1 talent
10) Several Freshman players - No offers but talking to a lot of programs. Most are doing showcases with travel team for first time this summer
11) Senior RF - Was committed to a DIII school, but is now going to a lower D1 program who recruited her because two of her ex-travel teammates are there and recommended her to their coach who came and saw a tournament and liked what she saw (or so I am told).
12) Junior pitcher - Going to a DII program that her PC has a past relationship with. This PC places about 8-10 pitchers each season at programs of all levels. Helps get these players good scholarship money both athletically and academically.
13) Senior SS - goes to a HS without a softball program. Going to a D1 major conference with a full academic scholarship (turned down athletic money so officially will be a 'walk on' but will likely be their starting SS on day one).

Note: almost all recruiting and 'being seen' was through the various travel programs these girls are on and through their efforts in contacting and communicating with college coaches. All girls had skills videos that were updated each year and their teams always had profiles on hand at all their games. Lot of work out into recruiting and making sure that they were noticed wherever they were. Lot of letting coaches know they were in the area and who was on the team and what each girl could bring to their program. Girls also knew how to talk about their elite skills - things they could bring to a college team from day one.

I know HS coach has talked to all the colleges the girls are going to, but that was after the college was already interested and they were looking for more info.

Not going through this personally but maybe one day if DD wants it as she gets older... she is still young.
May 7, 2008
Morris County, NJ
DD is a rising junior. After being on DFP and a few other sites, I had DD follow the suggested recruiting path:

1. DD put together a list of 50 schools she's interested in academically - 1/3 D1 2/3 D III.
2. We put together a softball resume with her hi-lights, coach contacts & GPA. Video is currently in process.
3. Registered her for the NFCA Pennsbury Academic & Regular Recruiting Camps.
4. Emailed the coaches her Pennsbury & Recruiting Camp schedules and asked them to watch her.
5. She had two handfuls of coaches she emailed watch her either at the Recruiting Camp or games. The DIII coaches can correspond directly with underclassman so she could see via email who came to watch & what their feed back was. The coaches pointed out what she was doing well and where she needed to continue to improve. Great Feedback!
6. It will be interesting to see what contact, if any, comes after Sept. 1 from the D I's. If none, not a big deal, as the D I's she interested in are Ivy/Patriot League schools. Acceptance their will be really GPA/test score dependant.

From my perspective, it appears attending the NFCA Academic Recruiting Camp was the door opener. I had to send in her school transcript as she hasn't taken the PSAT/SAT/ACT yet for acceptance to this camp, so all involved knew the academic portion of the recruiting was under control, she just needed to perform on the field.

Fingers are crossed going forward.
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Question: How do you get DD evaluated to see what level of play she could/should compete at?

Ask one or more objective third party what they think. Objective is the key word. Could be a coach, instructor, a parent of a college player, or, absent any other options, a paid service.

Also, make sure that you and your DD understand that there are definite pros and cons of playing at each level. Cathy Aradi's book provides a good starting point.

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