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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Lord knows I'm no doctor, just thinking out loud.

I can see the arguement about supportive braces not allowing an injury to heal/strengthen, if they were worn for extended amounts of time. ( 12-24 hours a day ) Wearing one when needed shouldn't cause any long term effects, not in baseball/softball, no real jumping ( shock absorbing movements ) and even the few incidents are isolated.

There were days my ankle was "weak" ( from prac, overuse, maybe turned it in a game ), that's when I'd wear one, for temporary support when I was involved in a sport activity. Then Id go from the brace to a lighter less restrictive "wrap", and then to nothing.

As with any medical advice, pros and cons

SPARTA POINT: Brace yourself: ankle braces hurt knees

UW Studies: Ankle Braces Keep High School Athletes in the Game
Oct 10, 2011
That must be really tough for your daughter, and I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully, she'll be ready to go for TB. Big question is that you mentioned this was a "reinjury" to same ankle I presume- and it rolled on her. As a former b-ball player- I can sympathize with this. I had a bad injury in college where I tore ligaments in my ankle. From that time, not only did I wear hi-tops (which I wore anyway), but I always had additional ankle support in the way of taping or a brace- and I was able to go back to playing. My DD wears hi-top cleats, she likes them, maybe your DD should talk to PT or trainer to see what options would work to give her ankle some additional support?

Yes, this was a re-injury of the same ankle she was rehabilitating right before tryouts. She couldn't run during try outs but had been feeling great the last couple weeks. I didn't see the play, but everyone said it didn't look like it rolled, just looked like the toe caught onto the edge of the grass.
Dec 7, 2011
IML - best wishes to you & yours. Just dive right into that rehab and don't dwell for a minute. It does no good. (not saying you are - but just in case)

If it's any consolation :

My DD at 17yrs has been on the razers edge of some health "thing" since she was 13.

Seems like right when she has tuned-up for a season "something" happens to risk the season.

DD always seems to rebound faster than expected and always seems to rise-above and having learned something really useful about personal fitness maintenance playing at high levels.

By the time she gets to college she will have mastered the art of being competitive and staying healthy where I expect ZERO downtime for her then (knock on wood). :)
Oct 4, 2011
I'm so sorry to hear about her injury. To have that happen after doing so well must be tough. I like how she's staying active and working all the time to recover; that will surely keep her spirits up. If the coaches are willing, try to have her go to practice and stay involved; maybe there's little things she can do to help and still be a part of things. Keeping score during games is a great way to stay in it and to see the game from a different angle. Good luck - the hardest thing for you will be dealing with a bored, disgruntled teenager. Not lettering as a freshman isn't the end of the world, but don't tell DD that unless you want your head bitten off :)
Oct 10, 2011
Just got back from the specialist and he said a minumum of 3 weeks in the boot. No exceptions this time. After that she can do physical therapy and he has to clear her to play but it would be at least 4 weeks:(. He said she has to wear a brace playing until she gets the go ahead from him. .
Sep 18, 2011
Does your DD wear metal or rubber cleats? My DD is 14 and she just bought her first pair of metal cleats and I'm very nervous. The Livestrong website indicates that one misstep can result in a serious knee or ankle injury. Don't mean to take this thread in a different direction, but I'm curious to know. Thanks. Here's the Livestrong article I was referring to.

Cons On Metal Cleats | LIVESTRONG.COM
Dec 7, 2011
Does your DD wear metal or rubber cleats? My DD is 14 and she just bought her first pair of metal cleats and I'm very nervous. The Livestrong website indicates that one misstep can result in a serious knee or ankle injury. Don't mean to take this thread in a different direction, but I'm curious to know. Thanks. Here's the Livestrong article I was referring to.

Cons On Metal Cleats | LIVESTRONG.COM


I am sure there is an instance of a timely twist of an ankle after the switch but I personally have not seen or heard of a ONE case of blame going towards the switch.

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