questions\thoughts on a play

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Oct 21, 2022
New Jersey
So DD team, 1st year 12u. Opposing team at bat with a runner on 3rd. Pitch comes in, our catcher drops ball and the batter takes off for 1st, assuming drop 3rd strike.

Our catcher throws ball to 1st to tag runner, and runner on 3rd steals home as ball is thrown to 1st. But plot twist, it wasn't the 3rd strike, only 2nd strike.

Ump says batter has to come back to 1, but the run counts. Chaos ensues as our team says should be dead ball do over. But ump is adamant that "he had nothing to do with the throw to 1st, its a live ball".

Now I get that the catcher should have also known the count, an with the runner on 3rd, perhaps not thrown down. But so should the batter. At that point, any batter can just start running on any dropped strike.

What are everyone's thoughts? Rule here?
Nov 29, 2009
It's not uncommon to see the younger players make this mistake. Both on offense and defense. I've seen coaches who teach this nonsense trying to take advantage of the younger catchers chasing a runner without knowing the game situation.

Bottom line... Your catcher needs to be the smartest player on field when this happens. They have to know the count and understand the dropped 3rd strike rule completely.

I've seen umpires warn coaches after trying this play multiple times during a game.
Dec 15, 2018
In 10U this would happen a lot, so we constantly reminded the catcher of the situation with a phrase before pitches deeper in a count "Cake 3" (dropped 3rd strike potential) or "No Cake 3" (no dropped 3rd strike potential). I don't remember why those words, but that's what it was.
Jun 11, 2013
Like others have said C need to know the count plus the situation. This happens a lot when a runner is on 1st with < 2 outs and the same thing happens. If they know what the situation is they can not let it happen
Jun 4, 2024
Mental part of the game.

Strategy is also part of the game.
... there are teams that will have their batter run to first even if they've struck out...

particularly with that runner on third keep an eye on them and back pick an out!
Apr 14, 2022
Defensive counter play (if this is on purpose)
Catcher quickly throws to first, first throws hitting the batter running to first.
Not 100% sure of this ruling but tying it would be batters interference.
Normally do not condone throwing at someone but teams doing this kind of deserve it.
Jun 22, 2008
Defensive counter play (if this is on purpose)
Catcher quickly throws to first, first throws hitting the batter running to first.
Not 100% sure of this ruling but tying it would be batters interference.
Normally do not condone throwing at someone but teams doing this kind of deserve it.
If there is no play to be made how can it possibly be interference? And if the catcher is purposely throwing at the runner, then the coach is going to need another catcher.

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