Question: what would you do?

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Jun 1, 2013
Sincerely, having an awesome player on a team is great but I will take a less gifted player I can depend on to be there. If she missed Nationals for a camping trip, she would be cut the following season. Not her fault I know, but it is unfair for the other girls. Coach should talk with BOTH parents and lay down the laws of commitment and team sports. Did is gonna have to step up and let dad know what she wants to do.
May 7, 2008
I am sympathetic to family dynamics. I had a 12 yo in family court, yesterday, while her parents go through a divorce. There is no reasoning with her dad. They have an order of protection against him, but he is seeking custody of my student. I only know one side of the story.

With my own granddaughter, if dad has visitation that weekend, there is no flexibility. I would hate to punish a girl over a court ordered visitation.
Jan 27, 2010
It's the first of many showcases she will be in. Has she contacted anyone yet? Sent out profiles and emails?

We took our 14U team to a showcase this summer and I spent the day watching coaches walk up to the field, check the schedule and keep walking. UNLESS your daughter is 6', Red Haired and throwing flames (yes I lifted this from someone here) they will probably not be watching her.

I missed the Nationals thing for camping on the first read through. Sounds like he has a plan to mess with softball.
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Apr 1, 2010
It's not a wedding. It's a reception. :)

OK, just joking. If it says that, then you've got a point. Although are both parents signing the paperwork?


It sounds as though having some paperwork with expectations laid out (that both parents sign) would be helpful for this poster, since her ex doesn't understand the depth of his daughter's commitment level to softball.
Oct 7, 2009
Had a case where mom put daughter in softball in the spring and fall. It cut into my client's time for visitation a lot. Mom claimed that daughter loved softball and would be harmed by not being allowed to participate at the expense of my client's time with child. Dad claimed that the daughter didn't really like to play that much, that mom forced her to play, and she really wanted to play less so she could spend time playing with the kids at dad's house.

Who was telling the truth? Very hard to know. Judge ruled that dad's visitation trumped daughter's softball.

Shame that two adults couldn't work this out for the benefit of the daughter forcing a judge to make a ruling.


Jun 22, 2008
One tournament? A showcase in the fall? I don't know why this is even a question and IMO trying to justify forsaking family for a single tournament just isn't right and maybe it isn't only the player's priorities in question.
Oct 22, 2009
One tournament? A showcase in the fall? I don't know why this is even a question and IMO trying to justify forsaking family for a single tournament just isn't right and maybe it isn't only the player's priorities in question.

I agree. Unless she is a senior and this is her last chance to get a look, there will be other showcases. Family trumps softball (and all other sports) - sorry.
Jun 1, 2013
She had to miss Nationals for a camping trip but hey, that was only one tournament too. This is a pattern with the ex that is not involved with her softball.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Without a better understanding of all the circumstances, I abstain. However, IMO, nationals is for the team, showcases are for the individual players. From a team commitment standpoint, missing the former is very different from missing the later.

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