Question: How to dry a softball field?

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Oct 4, 2011
You guys are awesome!! The black hawks and chinooks were flying overhead on their way to evacuate some of our mountain towns. I have to admit I was thinking of you all and wondering if I could ask them to divert for a moment and hover over our field. I'm sure I'd end up in the paper as a crazy person with completely misplaced priorities - ha ha! But hey, I'm doing my own little part to help. We're one of the only playable fields around; hopefully when our ADs get everything sorted out they can figure out a way for other schools to use our field in a gesture of good will and scheduling :)

Edit: it just started raining hard. The field is now once again covered in puddles. We were teetering on being OK, but this on top of the 12 inches we've already had.... it's supposed to be warm and sunny all of next week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. This is pretty unreal. We're all just reacting and coping right now, but when we all look back on this time in Colorado's history... it is truly going to go down as Colorado's worst flooding of all time. Though to put it all in perspective - a friend called in a panic from New Jersey. I had to explain that no, it's not as bad as Hurricane Sandy, at least right where I am. My heart goes out to flood victims. It is awful.
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Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
No crashing in the pic of the Vertol 107. That's one of Columbia Helicopter's whirlibirds towing a hover barge, loaded with oil tools, across the Beaufort Sea.
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Jun 22, 2008
Ever stand that close to a hovering heli? ;)

Yes, I have, which is sort of my point. Cannot cover the entire field without putting people in danger.

I always find it interesting that people think just getting the pitcher's area and that around the bases playable is enough. Wonder how many actually walk into the grass and check the level there? Why is it that people think puddles and saturated areas that are covered with grass are irrelevant?
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
25 degrees attitude pulling 50 tons at 10 knots! They speculate the blades were only 30 feet above the ice! Those things are spec'd at towing 190 tons of dead weight and they only weigh about 11K!

I'd heard from pilots that the Chinooks were faster than the Cobra and Apache and just did some wiki reading which seems to confirm what they told me--a top speed of 196 MPH!
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Oct 4, 2011
Final update.... I am happy to report that the field is dry, spiked, raked, dragged and ready for action. I just finished the last, final drag with a 100 lb metal drag mat. (Again, by hand. The district suggested that I put in a 'work order' to fix the gator. It was kindly given information, but most of the work orders that I have witnessed get completed approximately 18 months from writing - not quite in time for the remainder of our season :) )

Cross-fit, eat your heart out. My legs may never recover. Many of the HS and town fields have been completely destroyed, so I am glad that I could do my small part.

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