Question: How to dry a softball field?

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Oct 4, 2011
Thank you all so much. The water is pretty unbelievable right now. We've had 5 1/2 inches of rain in the last 24 hours which is completely unheard of around here. We'll try the dig trenches and pump method; that never would have occured to me. I feel better knowing that we at least have a plan of attack now. This entire week of softball has been lost. As of right now Monday's games are in jeopardy unless we can get all this water off the field.

Ha ha, yeah, we've perfected the snow removal techniques but Mother Nature has trumped us with the liquid variety. I just hope this isn't a harbinger of our winter/spring - though if it is, come on out guys, the skiing will be epic!
May 7, 2008
Good wishes going out to all of CO. I am seeing the flooding on TV. They said that the rain may continue for 48 hours. Take care of yourselves and be safe.


Jun 22, 2008
T.J.;194770=Book Antiqua said:
4. I don't recommend squeegees...they act as scrapers and you end up pushing want to try and just move the water so a broom is best.

This is a good point, but I believe is only relevant when people use the squeegee as if they were working on kitchen floor. But you get the same effect with a broom if using it in the same manner.

I believe both are viable tools here, but the user needs to remember, you are only pushing standing water above the surface, not trying to move all the moisture from it's path as you would on a linoleum floor. If the user pushes down hard, you are going to be moving earth, not water and that isn't what you want to do.

I noticed you also mention sun. Unfortunately, most of the time I've had to deal with this, the sun wasn't exactly a cooperating participant, but on you always need on your team. :)
Mar 23, 2010
Good idea to check your outlets for GFI, the guy that wired the place may not have envisioned it as a lakeside resort.
Pump cords are well insulated, but it's not hard for an otherwise intelligent person to drag an extension cord into a puddle.
Oct 4, 2011
I think Dr. Seuss wired our house. The sump pump is on the same GFI as an outdoor outlet and the upstairs bathroom. The GFI used to trip with every rain storm until we figured it out and covered the outdoor outlet. Thank heavens for the sump pump! It has been going off all day and I've been making hourly trips down to the basement to check on things. So far so good, fingers crossed.

We're just hunkered down here waiting it all out. We're at 8 inches total so far with another 2 inches predicted for tonight. Hopefully I can get out to the field on Saturday. The schools are closed within a 50 mile radius - we're just not set up for this kind of water. This area has never seen anything like this. I have new respect and sympathy for y'all who live in flood areas, or any areas with high rainfall. I remember flooding back home in MA as a kid, but as a kid you don't really think about things like GFIs and washed out roads. My little crew is snug here in our house; my prayers go out to fellow Coloradans who are experiencing the worst of the flooding.
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Jul 28, 2008
A pump or wet vac to suck up all standing water. Then pray for some dry weather and wind. I've shown up at 6am and dried fields for many of tournaments in the PNW. I've also lost the battle against mother nature.

Good luck!
Aug 23, 2010
Coolest thing I ever witnessed was at an ASA nationals in Las Cruces, NM. They claim it never rained there. Well sure enough, flooding in the streets. They brought in bulldozers and removed the top 3 or 4 inches of mud and spread out new clay in a matter of two hours. Fields went from lakefront property to game condition just a few hours. It was also cool that at this tournament, they used an Optic Orange softball. Of course this was back in the mid 80's, before the balls all went to todays color of choice. Still have pictures somewhere with the orange ball. It was an experience for sure.
Nov 14, 2011
You can come to where I live and use the diamonds. We haven't had any rain in 35+ days (and counting). There is NO green grass anywhere unless someone is watering it themselves. Practice last night was tough because the ground was so dry and dusty it was like talc. All the girls were covered in it when we left from diving after balls. There is a 65% chance of rain here on Sunday. Of course we have a tournament and we will probably get rained out..... This after 35+ days of no rain! To make matters worse we set a record high temperature on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week and they are predicting a record LOW temperature tonight.

Crazy weather!
Dec 7, 2011
I don't know why high schools don't have well crowned fields and an infield tarp.

What can an infield tarp cost?

$1,500 I just googled it. (hey it's a single TB payment!! ;-)

Compared to all that labor & materials to do some of things I see & read here....?

What am I missing?

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