Proud dad - DD had a phenomenal weekend (sorry to brag)

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Sep 3, 2009
give us the name and age of your team and I will make that happen....and I think she should work just as hard at swinging away as slapping....

She does, probably more so than slapping. Just worked out that the situations were good for putting pressure on the Defense quite a bit, and they went with it.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
New here. Is this the proud dad thread (or turning into it)?

My 8yo DD played her first softball game on March 9th of this year. Tomorrow, she will play in her first All-Star tournament! :eek: I continue to be blown away at how fast she is learning, how hard she works, and how well she performs under pressure. She quickly became one of the best players on her rec-ball team - in the field (primarily 1B) and at the plate - and was a big part of the reason they went 13-1-1 and won the league championship. Of the 12 girls on her All-Star team, she's the only first-year player, and is easily mid-pack in terms of skill level.

Best of all, most of the behavioral challenges we've had with her (which only manifest in the safety of our home, thankfully) have diminished dramatically since starting softball. In the past, being out of her normal evening routine, being over-tired, or awake past her bedtime would be a sure catalyst for an emotional melt-down. In the past 3 months, we've seen these issues nearly disappear, which has made for a much more peaceful household.

Despite the fact that I'm always tired, and don't spend nearly as much quality time with the DW, the benefits of softball have been a very good thing for our family on many levels.

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