Prominence of Concussions in Youth Sports

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Feb 7, 2011
raleigh n.c.
If you have a broken arm or leg you wouldn't return to playing till it's healed so why is it so different for concussions. Just because you can't see an x-ray showing the injury doesn't mean there isn't one. I agree that some doctors are a little too cautious but I still would rather err on the side of caution. DD played with a girl in 12u who got a concussion playing catcher 1 year later another one, returned to playing before she should recovered fully suffered a third concussion. She went from a straight A honor student to barely passing, now in college and still suffering daily headaches. Diagnosed with a learning impairment and needing special help with tests and school work. DD now playing 18u showcase girl playing SS stepped up and went low to field a grounder runner coming from second ran into her kicking her in the head. SS went down and had to be helped off field wasn't sure what her birthday was. Minutes later was behind dugout throwing up. HC nor any other AC suggested she be taken to a doctor, the other parents had to push like HELL to get them to go. Second to last game so we told them we would get her stuff for her. They show back up 2 hours later and say the urgent care says she probably has a concussion but they don't have the equipment to test her. I told them to take her home since it was a 3.5 hour drive home but they wanted to support the team even though she's again throwing up in parking lot! Held out of school entire next week but makes it to SB practice that weekend . HC doesn't ask if she's been released and puts her through full practice. Following weekend next tournament all the parents and players knew she had not been released to play and had failed all her concussion tests. Again HC didn't ask and she played every inning and also pitched because we are short on pitchers. What PISSES ME OFF the most is her parents allowed this and the HC is a retired firefighter and her high school HC and should know better! Sorry so long but been waiting a while to get this off my chest! Parents do not leave this decision to your kids ,they want to play and might not tell you. Go to a doctor and make a educated decision if you think they are dragging it out get a second opinion .The consequences are too great and can last a life time just to play the next softball game.
Jun 11, 2013
We had 2 catchers within 3 weeks get concussions on foul tips. One was pretty messed up for a few weeks. Fortunately that last one was in our last game.
Jan 25, 2011
When my dd got her concussion, she fell and hit the back of her head on the basketball court. She said she seen a flash, but got back up and played. She started to go down hill slowly. Head aches, then vomiting, took her to family doctor and they had me keep her out of school. Then the headaches got worse, double vision, throwing up still. Two trip to the emergency room. Then her left eye started to cross, took her to the optometrist and he found all the swelling. Then a lifestar flight to children's hospital in Pittsburgh, they had to do a craniotomy to do surgery. She had bleeding in the arachnoid layer. It is the layer right near the brain or the 5th layer before the gray matter. Seven & a half hours in surgery and no garuntee she that she was going to be all right. But for the grace of god. She is all right.

Concussions are nothing to take lightly. My dd lost much of her sense of smell and has no feeling on the left side of her head and now has me always asking if she hit her head or does she have a headache if she doesn't feel well. Just please people, don't take it lightly.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Hell, our rec league makes us go through the concussion training that is used for the OHSAA coaches here in Ohio. Basic instruction is: if you have ANY question at all, sit her out, tell the parents, and report it to the league. She may not return to play without a doctor's release.

These are their lives we are dealing with here. Yes, they are being diagnosed more frequently, and they should be considering the growing body of evidence regarding life-long effects. Why take chances - at the end of the day, this is just a game.
Feb 7, 2011
raleigh n.c.
Nano sorry to hear about everything you and your dd have gone through but I am so glad she is okay. I hope she continues to improve and has no long lasting side effects.
Nov 29, 2009
Last year I took my team to the Compuware Tournament in Michigan. At check-in they hand me a sheet with a web adress on. they tell me I MUST take the concussion course BEFORE my team can take the field for a game. It is a law in Michigan that all adults who coach minors must take the course.

Even the NFL is getting serious about concussions and those team have a lot to lose if one of their star players goes down. They've changed the rules about blows to the head for quaterbacks and the way the players can tackle. It is a serious issue that is getting more attention than it did in the past.
Nov 26, 2010
Last year I took my team to the Compuware Tournament in Michigan. At check-in they hand me a sheet with a web adress on. they tell me I MUST take the concussion course BEFORE my team can take the field for a game. It is a law in Michigan that all adults who coach minors must take the course.

Even the NFL is getting serious about concussions and those team have a lot to lose if one of their star players goes down. They've changed the rules about blows to the head for quaterbacks and the way the players can tackle. It is a serious issue that is getting more attention than it did in the past.
I live in Michigan and I have never heard of this law. I have coached in Michigan. In fact my basketball season begins tomorrow and no one has ever told me I need this training.

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