Prominence of Concussions in Youth Sports

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Feb 12, 2014
I was talking to a co-worker today about how concussions having become such a hot topic in all level of sports.

The retired NFL players have brought the topic to the forefront for sure, but there sure seems to be a lot of talk about them these days at school meetings.

Did they not happen years ago in youth & school sports or were they just ignored ?

If you get hit in the head at DD's school and it gets reported, its an automatic 5 day wait period in our district and you can only return after being cleared by a doctor and you have passed test.

I have told DD to use her judgement unless its an obviously serious injury.
Jan 27, 2010
It's become so prevalent and hard to get off the concussion list that kids have started to fib to coaches and doctors about getting hit or headaches. I have seen kids get hit and outright tell the coach, I didn't get hit coach. No one wants to chance getting on the list by mistake.

We had one girl that took an elbow to the head during BB. No crying, no knocked to the ground no disorientation. DR kept her out for months based on subsequent visits where he asked did you have a headache this week. Yes...two more weeks out. Her dad told me she finally stopped telling him.
Jan 25, 2011
Thread: Concusions,and your childs life!!!
I wrote this in January 2012. My dd is 16 now and going into her 2nd year of 16u. She plays now wearing a lacrosse helmet. She lost all of 14u, she might be behind other girls her age, but she is alive.
Aug 29, 2011
Give the severity of concussions and the potential long term ramifications of playing with a miss diagnosed one, I'd prefer they err on the side of caution.
Jan 27, 2010
How did anyone make it to adulthood who grew up in the last 50 years? I am not trying to downplay the severity of concussions but now days if a kid gets hit in the batting helmet they must have a concussion. How did all those girls play the game in college before the helmet?
Jan 25, 2011
How did anyone make it to adulthood who grew up in the last 50 years? I am not trying to downplay the severity of concussions but now days if a kid gets hit in the batting helmet they must have a concussion. How did all those girls play the game in college before the helmet?

I agree with what you are saying. It does seem that concussions are either on the rise or are just being diagnosed better. Maybe because of the growth hormones in the food genetically modified foods, has be the government behind it.;)
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I agree with what you are saying. It does seem that concussions are either on the rise or are just being diagnosed better. Maybe because of the growth hormones in the food genetically modified foods, has be the government behind it.;)

I knew it! If you really want to be safe you need to line the helmet with tin foil! :)
Jul 23, 2014
I had a son diagnosed with a concussion. Only symptoms were 2 slight headaches which all said and done equaled over 4 weeks of no recess at school, etc. For awhile he wasn't allowed to read, watch tv either. They are extremely cautious, I would expect those with significant risk would exhibit more symptoms than that.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Have seen it go both ways. Had a catcher knocked out cold by a pitch and she did not play for months. Really messed her up. Had another player go down and spent weeks fighting the doctors who would not release her as long as she had headaches. Finally I asked her mom if the headaches were any worse or more frequent than the ones she had every weekend. Mom got really ticked off and her DD was back playing the following week.

If your DD is not getting tested and baselined at school it is something worth getting done on your own.
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