playing for a travel team while you are playing under TSSAA rules in Middle School?

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I just need to ask. The OP is talking about middle shcool in TN (TSSAA) correct. I thought all the rules described applied to HS not MS. Dont bash me to hard as my wife points out "thinking ain't my strong point".

edit just went to TSSAA web site. mentioned HS and the rules stated above. Down on the junior high section it just lists pitching/innings rule. Still don't mean Im right just confuse more.

TMSAA is the middle school governing body of TSSAA.

2012-13 TSSAA Handbook

^^^^^^ you can see the link to the TMSAA rules ( handbook ). Very similar to the HS ones. I just glanced quickly over the 50 pages but I see they have changed the 50% rule for middle schools. Wasn't like that when DD was there. Independent play is the same.

Don't worry, PH, it's confusing for me sometimes. Each year adds or removes something. Gotta run, baseball game calling my name.
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May 13, 2012
As goingdeep pointed out I followed the link and this is from the TMSAA cut and pasted. The best I can tell it is still a no-no but the penalties are different.

Independent-Game Participation
Section 21. Once a student's name is listed on the school eligibility report, if a student participates in an
independent game in that sport before the season has closed or his/her name has been removed from the
eligibility report at the request of the school principal, the student shall be ineligible as explained below.
Any organized game in which players not registered with TMSAA participate – regardless of whether admission is
charged - is considered as an independent game. Violation of this rule will render the student ineligible for 25% of
the number of contests allowed in that sport by the sports calendar or for the remainder of the season in that
sport, whichever number is the least. Violation of this rule a second time in the same sport in the same season will
render the student ineligible in that sport for the remainder of the season.
A student's name may be removed from the school's eligibility list upon written request of the principal. After such
a request has been filed with the state office, a student may then participate as an independent without penalty. If
a principal requests the state office to remove a student's name from the school's eligibility list, such student may
not again be certified during the season of that sport.
This rule does not apply to bowling, golf, and tennis.


Feb 20, 2012
I don't think this is a problem in GA since TB pretty much "shuts down" during the HS season in the fall. We could not find a TB team to play with if we wanted to! LOL


Feb 20, 2012
How does 50% rule work, I guess that means your TB team can't be your school team?

The 50% rule was designed to prevent high school teams from playing together year round, which would give them an unfair advantage. There are only a couple of "A" level TB players on most HS rosters in our area, so it is really not been an issue for us.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
2012-13 TMSAA Handbook
Q. May a player participate in a scrimmage, practice game or game with an independent team after being registered with TMSAA in that sport?
A. No. The student shall be ineligible immediately in the sport in which the violation occurs.

Same as TSSAA HS rule:

Q. A student is registered on the girls’ softball team with school A. The student then participates in an independent girls’ softball game. She then returns to school A’s softball team where she plays three games. The coach of school A determines that the student has played in an independent game and reports the violation to the state office. What is the penalty?
A. School A has played an ineligible player for three games. The three games will be forfeited and disciplinary action will be taken. The student is ineligible for nine games. (If a student participates in three contests as an ineligible player, the three contests will be forfeited, disciplinary action will be taken against the school, and the student will be ineligible to participate in the next nine contests or for the remainder of the season, whichever is the least.)

Page 41 of TMSAA.
Mar 22, 2010
Well we did let our Middle School coach know that the player was thinking about doing such before she actually went to the tournament but I that doesn't mean that the other players will follow what she does and I know if they get caught playing for travel ball while playing under tssaa sanction then it will affect at least 3 other schools records. I wouldn't chance it either myself.
Somebody wake up member Baldandbeautiful, he's a MS coach in TN!! Like to get his take. :)

Yep, I just got on here and saw this thread. Yes you have to check the TMSAA rules, and look for all the "exemptions" assuming your school is a TMSAA school. Believe it or not we have some up here that we compete with that are not TMSAA members but are in our conference, but that is a whole other shouting match.....
I and my A.D. both interpret this as NO travel ball practice, scrimmages, or games once the official practices begin (Feb 4) until the end of the Middle School season. This also means no little league.
As stated earlier, the 50% rule takes effect when the season is over until the end of school, then begins again when school is back in session.
Which leaves me with a question for you guys....our MS is 7th & 8th grade, once the school year is over the 8th graders become HSers even though the HS does not do tryouts until spring. Same thing for MS, we do tryouts after Basketball is done which is late February (AARRGHHH!!!) so I do not have a team until then. I guess that the 7th graders going into eighth grade would be "Team" members even though their names are not submitted until tryouts. Some of those 8th graders do not make the team in February though.....IF IN THE FALL, A PARENT WANTED TO TAKE 10 OR 12 OF THOSE GIRLS (that were on the team as 7th graders and are now 8th grade) and PLAY TB AS A TEAM, would that be a Violation of ANY RULE? I would love for this group to stay together.

would it be violation if i helped (as an assistant coach or consultant) the local Little League All Star team (of upcoming 7th graders) during the Summer DEAD PERIOD?
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Well we did let our Middle School coach know that the player was thinking about doing such before she actually went to the tournament but I that doesn't mean that the other players will follow what she does and I know if they get caught playing for travel ball while playing under tssaa sanction then it will affect at least 3 other schools records. I wouldn't chance it either myself.

If you are from where I think you are from (east of Columbia) I bet it is similar to here....somebody on every team is familiar with the players on the other MS teams. Probably know them by name and position.
Not worth the risk, and I would urge you to strongly discourage it.

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