Players missing games and practices. A new(ish) trend? Well, I DON'T LIKE IT!

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Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
One thing that wasn't mentioned at all is your actions to your AC's. To throw them under the bus in front of the team is unacceptable IMO. You just undermined their authority (believe me kids know when coaches don't know the game). If I were one of your AC's I would be out the door.

I made a joke out of it afterwards at practice and we all had a good laugh. You're taking me way too seriously. The post was very tongue-in-cheek and was greatly embellished. Have some fun.
Jul 16, 2008
I made a joke out of it afterwards at practice and we all had a good laugh. You're taking me way too seriously. The post was very tongue-in-cheek and was greatly embellished. Have some fun.

Just going by what was posted I embarrass my two coaches because they can't answer the question, "why should our runner at third take her lead in foul territory and not on the baseline?" You shoulda seen the looks on their faces when I told them why. I love doing that to the ACs. Keeps them in line while keeping the team's illusion that I'm a great HC.

Hard to tell on an internet forum. Keep doing what you're doing and teach them the game.
Jul 16, 2008
A couple of reasons, first it clears the runner from fair balls hit down the line, and second if a ball does hit them it's foul and not an out. Also go back to the bag in fair ground in case of a pick attempt.


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
As a parent that is always there it irritates the hell out of me that a good practice means at least 5 girls showed up. We have not had one practice or even one tournament with our entire team. No wonder we have lost 8 of our last games...
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
Soooooooo whats the daaaang answer??????????????

I believe he was being funny with this comment because it was a trick question he posed to his AC's. By definition a lead is..."When a baserunner steps off a base before a pitch is thrown in order to reduce the distance to the next base, she takes a lead"...and we all know if you do this in softball you will be called out. So I am assuming his AC's didn't know that you cannot take leads in softball.


Pro-Staff Everything
Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
I believe he was being funny with this comment because it was a trick question he posed to his AC's. By definition a lead is..."When a baserunner steps off a base before a pitch is thrown in order to reduce the distance to the next base, she takes a lead"...and we all know if you do this in softball you will be called out. So I am assuming his AC's didn't know that you cannot take leads in softball.

I guess?:confused::confused:

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